What Kingston is saying about the main reason for including graphine (improving suspension of the lipid nanoparticles) makes sense, based upon reading I've done elsewhere. See also here:
During the last ten years, graphene oxide has been explored in many applications due to its remarkable electroconductivity, thermal properties and mobility of charge carriers, among other properties. As discussed in this review, the literature suggests that a total characterization of graphene...
There are articles going back to at least 2008 concerning the use of this in pharmaceuticals.
It does appear that the stuff is potentially toxic and carcinogenic:
Due to their unique physicochemical properties, graphene-family nanomaterials (GFNs) are widely used in many fields, especially in biomedical applications. Currently, many studies have investigated the biocompatibility and toxicity of GFNs in vivo and in intro. Generally, GFNs may exert...
Doesn't seem like the best stuff to be injecting into one's body, although like so many other toxins, dose matters.
Anyone push magnetism and 5G theories is really not helping their side of the argument. Kingston later says, "...because it's a great conductor of electricity, it can host a magnetic field, so it could literally connect you to the internet"

Next up, a video explaining how mRNA can be used to implement a TCP/IP stack!
JFC, this bullshit is not helping anyone's arguments. Every time someone tries to push one of these stories, it ruins a thousand opportunities to change someone's mind based upon verifiable facts (or at least plausible scenarios).