Some random thoughts on current events...
It's not just the progressives we're fighting, it's the globalists. And not just in this country. I believe there is far more going on among the global elite than we know. The powerful in this country have lots of power, but they are jealous of China and Russia, and others. Those elites have dictator power and the US elites hate that. The only way they can get that kind of power is to eliminate that pesky Constitution. And they are doing their best to make that happen, little by little. Yes, and they will use what ever party nessecary. Democrat/Republican its doesn't matter.
Afghanistan. I have no words adequate to describe how disgusted/angry/sad/etc I am. I have friends who served there and given how I feel, I can't begin to imagine how they feel. One told me it's a gut punch after all he personally did and that all the teammates he lost were for nothing. I keep checking on him because I am honestly concerned. The Soldiers did get shit on and that is a massive injustice to them, I personally appreciate their personal motives. Part of the reason I never joined the military out of high school was I actually studied history, and never believe our government had the balls to stick it out. Hell the politicians/public didn't have the balls to take Korea, Keep Cuba, and stay in Vietnam, Keep Iran or take out Saddam the First time. I graduated when the "war on terror" was kicking off and recruiters were coming around, they didn't want to hear me talking our post 50's military industrial complex and actual understanding the country as a whole does not possess the mental ability to stand thru years of war.
Follow this logic... Green new deal requires electric cars. Electric cars need batteries. Batteries require rare earth metals. China has the cheap labor to mine rare earths and manufacture batteries. A-Stan has rare earth metals. Globalists give A-stan to China to feed the need for batteries. China is located in those same mountain regions and has bountiful resources with out having to deal with the Afghan "problem". I really don't think they are interested or the Afghan monkeys would allow it.
Covid. Likely engineered in a lab as a bioweapon. To target who exactly? look at the death rates of zero comorbidities vs >0 comorbidities. who's dying? Old and sick (not contributing and expensive to care for), obese and diabetic (consume too many resources and most likely to cost lots to care for later on). And so on, and so on. If you were trying to control population and preserve resources what groups would you get rid of? RRRR
I said before, SGH when enough people feel they have nothing left to lose or when whatever current disaster of a gov't policy becomes a hill enough people are literally willing to die on. It's closer than most think. It could be very interesting when the progressive masses realize they have been used as the useful idiots to push the globalist's agenda and that they don't have a place in their long term plans. I was praying trump would be that movement but the idiots awoke and elected the current complete fucking morons we have, that would sell this country down the fucking river.
It's been said that most don't have the stones to do what is necessary. I disagree. Many have the stones, what they lack is the leadership. No individual can make a difference acting alone. There is strength in numbers, just ask BLM and Antifa. Many of us are not mil trained but are more than ready and willing to take up the fight behind the right leader (IE not an FBI plant). Its time for a "peaceful protest" from the true patriots, 2020 "peaceful protest" style... Organize.
Whenever something happens, ALWAYS as why. Usually multiple times to get to the real reason. Failure is just a learning experience so you can get it right the next go around.