Is anyone feeling the anguish of the lost of the 13 Marines and who knows how many more injured. I understand that they accept the risks that that signed up for but I can't accept their lost because of a fake idiotic president. Because of my age they are not my brothers but my sons and daughters. When you put Troops in harms way you make sure they have every advantage possible to survive and come out unharmed. The Fallen Marines didn't have that advantage from Washington and thats what hurts because they didn't have to die. I would give up all of Washington to save those 13 Marines because their lives mean more to me and they should mean more to every American then any politician. I fail to see the outrage of this lost under the circumstances, these men and women who pick up a rifle to stand a post to keep us safe.Our Nation is lost in this political bullshit and because of this we are losing sons and daughters who deserve better.....