I'm against the red flag laws but don't have a problem with making women register for the selective service.
I've had the "women in the military" crap rammed down my throat ever since Gloria Steinem burned her first bra. I'm sick of it.
The transgender BS, men in women's restrooms and the latest draft legislation is what women have been wanting for years - that's what true "equality" looks like.
If there is supposedly no difference in the sexes and they want true "equality" then the question is NOT: "who has a right to serve in combat but who can be compelled to serve in combat?"
So make them register for the selective service, shave their heads and comply with the PT standards men have to live by.
If they don't like the draft then they should get back to being housewives and mothers.
Exactly. You want equality...this is what equality looks like. Sign up to put your ass on the front line = equality.