weird. i wonder who leaked the investigation into the stolen diary to the nyt?
this makes the hunter fucked his niece story back in the limelight and now everyone will know...
i wonder if somebody is tired of pedo joe already.
Ashley Biden Trends After Her Diary Describing ‘Probably Not Appropriate’ Childhood Showers with Joe Confirmed Legit
Ashley Biden is trending on Twitter following the verification of her diary that National File published last year which included various scandalous
Absolute proof, we have a communist/criminal/pedo family in charge of the Country. What could/can go WRONG?? I know, ASGH, but, with the noose getting tighter around hiderbeast's neck (JD's report), I'm still hoping, I hear chains-n-shackles rattling on the morning news. I've got a 7 y.o. bottle of Jack, that needs the seal broke. Mac