I have wondered what would have changed if MLK hadn't walked out on the balcony? If James Earl Ray hadn't taken the shot? If the FauxBI didn't have him killed?
Things were going to change. It was inevitable. But what was the effect of that day?
Violence can have unintentional outcomes.
Things were going to change. It was inevitable. But what was the effect of that day?
Violence can have unintentional outcomes.
Yeah that’s certainly not my point. I don’t mean “bad” in the sense of bad or not “good”. War is not a good thing regardless of the intention. People die. But war must be waged in order for good people’s voices to be heard because protesting has never been an effective tool. The point is that when good people can no longer protest peacefully anymore because it’s not working (and we can agree peace=good) then they must resort to more drastic measures, AKA war. (We could also agree that war=bad… hence “bad things”)