And on a lighter side, man goes postal on a Turkey!
SACRAMENTO, Calif. — California wildlife authorities and the U.S. Postal Service are investigating reports that a mail carrier beat a wild turkey to death in Sacramento County.
Outside our produce market a few years back, we had a couple of bronze mammoth turkeys. Running free, the local kids loved it.
Mabel and Frank the tank.
Frank the tank??? True dickhead.
That sum bitch ,did, not, like me. It got to where it was a showdown everytime that asshole saw me. He would come at me and do the whole cock fighting thing. This fucker was 70 lbs w a 5 foot wingspan.
I literally had to box this mother fucker and grab him by his neck and throw him down to get away or I'd have to kill him.
And if I hadn't boxed when I was a youngster, I wouldn't have faired out as well.
One day, by the busy road, super yuppies fucking everywhere, this asshole started up. I literally had to get after it and he almost took me, hahaha. Unbelievable.
He's beating me w his wings, in the air at head height, and I can only get off jabs and upper cuts on the dickhead.
It was like fighting a pissed off kite, I literally would punch that cock sucker with all I had, knock him back a few feet and he would keep coming back for more. Like a lot alot.
I punched him in the breast the last time and I thought I killed him, he backed the fuck up but he still had tude, true fucker he was.
Now, again, this is in true yuppieville, we are the last holdout of real people that don't drive Ferrari s and shit, 10 feet from the damn road w mega cars blowing by.
I was sure the fuzz was going to get called, except, it had to leave everyone scratching their head saying what the fuck.
You think a grown dude can be a problem???
Nay nay, mother nature has some shit to show you.
That post office man is innocent