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huh? i am confused by this.

Leftys despise personal responsibility like fighting for their own freedom. That's why they quietly went along with whatever mandate was passed, no matter how ridiculous.
I’m not sure what you are getting at. If I recall there has been government mandates on who can work, when they can work, what medical treatments a person has to have
or can’t have, what clothing is required on a man’s face, families barred from seeing elderly, sick, and dying loved ones, all enforced by police. This isn’t anarchy my man.
Take a look at the Southern Border and get back to me.
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Again this is not anarchy. This is once again government control. The agents of the state are betraying the people and are aiding illegals into and throughout the country. Government paid and funded. Opposite of anarchy.
You can chase your tail by saying all acts of anarchy, from Portland antifa riots, attacks on the subway, mass smash and grabs, homelessness, etc., etc., etc., all are part of a sinister governmental manipulation.

Sorry, my eyes don't see the person(s) running our government of having the ability to plan and orchestrate what is happening with a specific goal. I see a bunch of liberal elites who think they have all the answers and solutions but never ever considered the results of their actions that lead to unthought of and unintended consequences, because they know it all. When bad shit happens because of their policies, they enter denial mode and seek someone else they can blame rather than looking in the fucking mirror.

But do go on with your conspiracy theories but before you do, consider Occam's razor.
They have 24 million people helping to pull this off. Government is responsible for most if not everything you mentioned. The police make sure no man can do anything to correct the wrongs without consequences. 2.1 million of them in fact. Wake up.
I sense you are angry and frustrated by the state we find ourselves in. You aren't alone, I ain't happy about it either but JHC, you seem to have let it get to the point that you seem to have trouble coping with it and are just like our current liberal overlords, casting blame at anyone you see as "the man keeping you down" when things don't go your way.

You think you are leading the revolution while still paying your taxes to support the oppressive state and yet telling others to make sacrifices, are ya, huh?
With all your hate and paranoia, professional help couldn't hurt.

Paranoia strikes deep,
into your life it will creep.
Starts when you're always afraid.
Step out of line and the man come and take you away.
They have 24 million people helping to pull this off. Government is responsible for most if not everything you mentioned. The police make sure no man can do anything to correct the wrongs without consequences from the state. 2.1 million of them in fact. Wake up. I would love to see the weakening of the state and some form of anarchy. This isn’t it.

The Portland shit could have been stopped by good men. Had they acted the state would have hammered their ass. If it weren’t state sanctioned then the police would have shut it down. The police are to blame once again. Same for every other issue faced. Good men can right the wrongs but fear the state enforcers. Who gives the politicians their power? Police. Who protects them? Police. If people would look at police for what they are then we could have a shot at the country we want. The gov cannot have a monopoly of force. This why we are where we are now.

We will have to agree to disagree.
Two quotes that many should remember
  1. The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary. – H. L. Mencken
  2. The rifle itself has no moral stature since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles -- Jeff Cooper
I’m just telling it like it is. The government is fucking us to death. Anyone involved with the government is an accomplice. The police are the worst. The last few years of the state gov and city gov collaborating with the federal gov using the police to fuck over the population should be all you need to know to draw logical conclusions.

I haven’t asked anyone to make a sacrifice. Yes I pay my taxes because if I don’t the state would send police to steal everything I own and take me away from my family. Same for any man that rebels against the state. The police are the enemy of the people along with anyone else in gov. This covid shit should have proved that to anyone. I align more closely to some form of anarchy than I do the authoritarian state we have now. Good men would police their own. Right now we have police oppressing good men and pushing evil political agendas by force. Fuck that.
Yes, yes you have. All men of good conscience (in your mind) should quit their government jobs.

Have you not posted this ad nauseam? How soon we forget, when it's convenient.

Are you sure your user name isn't wade2black?

"Fight the Power!

A moral and ethical man would not work for a murderous authoritarian state. They are aiding the marxist overtaking of America. They aided the murder of many in the name of Covid. They aid in the over taxation of the people. They aid in the open border invasion. The decent men in governemnt would have left willingly. Those that stay are traitors and are a huge part of the problem. Politicians talk. Men act for a paycheck. Sick.
So you did ask others to make sacrifices, while you have drawn the line at your livelihood, your possessions, your way of life. Meh, you aren't much different than they are.

According to you, others should be the hog, who makes a sacrifice for breakfast, while you are the chicken who makes a contibution.
You are reallllly stretching for this one. The government and its employees, mainly police, terrorized the population for two years and continuing to this day. I want them to stop. How selfish of me.
Is that what you been saying? Sure toned it down, then, haven't you?

Perhaps a look at those passing the laws that they are tasked with enforcing might be the way to make it stop?

Just a thought.
Lol. Blame your boss. I blame the boss and the minions. God gave man free will.

I don’t want any government to be honest. I want the smallest gov as possible which means most all the 24million people would be without a gov job. This gov is sick and that includes those that willingly empower it.

You never answered my question. It seems like you are trying to justify your position in a murderous authoritarian state. Do you make a living willingly empowering an evil and corrupt government? Yes or no?

What you are seeing is an authoritarian state. It is the complete opposite of anarchy.
Nope. Try again.

You are back to seeing that which you want to see, to confirm your mindset and totally disregarding those things that don't. Your assumptions give you away, just because I tend to disagree with you then I must be (X).

Seek a new paradigm.

BTW, I'm with you regarding less government in my life as a good thing. Too bad that the world has other ideas. Like it or not we are born into the game with the rules that others have made. We either need to change the rules or those that make them, or go off the grid and live life in the wild. How desperate are you? How much are you willing to sacrifice? Or are you going to continue to be the chihuahua barking under the chair?
Bullshit. If this were the case, most 70 year olds would be dead already as their immune systems would have been completely shot last year and a trip to the grocery store would have liked them.

I’m just as skeptical as the next guy about the “vaccine,” but for fucks sake, a little amount of common sense goes a long fucking way.
The most they can say from their data is that immunity from vaccines is significantly less than natural immunity and may even decrease ability to fight COVID. Thats it. They cannot jump to "Immunodeficiency/AIDS".

There are criteria to "call" someone immunocompromised, usually by virtue of lymphocyte profiles and viral loads along with presence of opportunistic infection. None of those studies have been done in any large quantities, and don't expect them to be.
I was just making an educated guess.

Right now I am trying to open peoples eyes. Republicans and Democrat politicians alike are disgusting. None represent the common man. Too many people will do their bidding for a dollar. Yes I am against government and the men that work within, more so the police as they are The institution that gives government ALL it’s powers and have cracked down on good men tremendously over the last couple years. I see them as them protecting Marxists. I see them enforcing an authoritarian agenda using force and the threats of. This is tyranny. I will never forgive this.

Government has created all the problems we currently face. I support no man that receives a government paycheck no matter his position. There is no “rule of law”. This is a right wing propagandist’s talking point to keep men inactive and ignorant. Many of us removed our consent to be governed by the state. Enforcement of it’s laws is tyranny. The Declaration of Independence is valid once again. Good men would right the many wrongs but LEO make sure they are docile. One day it won’t be enough of a deterrent to stop men from securing a future for their children just like the founders of this country tried to do. This is my message.

Yap, yap, yap. That's the sum total of the above.

Who gives the police their powers?

So you have "removed your consent to be governed by the state"? That's lip service, sorry to be blunt, but you still "obey the state." If you still pay income taxes every year, you are "governed." FICA/SS taken from your pay check? Property taxes? Pay taxes for your fuel? Send kids to public school? Register your vehicle(s)? Pay for a tax stamp for your suppressor? Get a background check when you purchase a new rifle?

We will be interested in seeing how far your consent to be governed really is, if the "police state" attempts to stop you for say, a traffic infraction? What are you going to do, consent or resist?

These are rhetorical. We both know what you do and will do.

The list of your consent to be governed can go on for quite a while.

The founders of this country put their life and fortune on the line, you aren't even the Paul Revere, that you picture yourself to be.
Looks like we know where you would have been back then.
So you have "removed your consent to be governed by the state"? That's lip service, sorry to be blunt, but you still "obey the state." If you still pay income taxes every year, you are "governed." FICA/SS taken from your pay check? Property taxes? Pay taxes for your fuel? Send kids to public school? Register your vehicle(s)? Pay for a tax stamp for your suppressor? Get a background check when you purchase a new rifle?

The founders of this country put their life and fortune on the line, you aren't even the Paul Revere, that you picture yourself to be.
Those men back then didn't jump into a fight without a lot of people getting together and discussing the very things that you listed. Then they set about a plan.
But if you are going to be part of the 97....
Looks like we know where you would have been back then.

Those men back then didn't jump into a fight without a lot of people getting together and discussing the very things that you listed. Then they set about a plan.
But if you are going to be part of the 97....
You shut up and get with like minded individuals. As then as now, the state will try to hunt you down.

Four choices, fight, flight, comply, initiate change from within. The last fails to gain traction, revert to the first three. Barking is good for attention, nothing much else. Attention is not always a good thing. If you keep saying the same thing over and over, you either get tuned out, have your own echo chamber or get noticed by the wrong audience.

Supposedly we are still a free country, we still have choices.
Who in the state would hunt people down? Politicians? I bet it would be the same men that is responsible for implementing the covid hoax on the street level. Whoever’s job this would be seems very authoritarian and anti-american and against the people. Would you agree?
Haven't been paying attention to Mayorkas have you?
I’m not playing dumb. You can’t bring yourself to say it because you would have to concede the very points and views you have been bashing me for. The state and local governments would send its LEO to assist. Instead of belittling me you can at least acknowledge when I’m correct.
That's the rules of the game. He answers to the AG, the AG answers to the President and the President answers to the people (cough) who put him there.

So you think they cheated. Or you are a sore loser. Either way, that's the way it goes, according to our laws that are legislated by the people we elect.

Either use the system for change if you don't like it, or drop out off the grid, or revolt.

Is that what you are saying?
It is just like you wrote it I can’t argue that. Government rules by force. It uses systems and institutions to rob people of wealth and power. It sets up laws to oppress the people and convinces them it’s “legal” to do so. I think the men that take part in this at any and all levels are filthy, especially law enforcement as none of this corruption is possible without these men willing to kill for the state to push twisted agendas for politicians. Force rules the day. This is why gov has police. It’s not for your safety.

This is the way things are whether I like it or not. The only way to change anything is to oppose force with even more force. It always has been and always will be the only way.
Just a tip, my friend, be very careful, even if we may disagree on some things, I wouldn't want anything to happen to you.

A bit of sarcasm, a bit of irony, a bit of concern. I've got it all. . . :p
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Read the last paragraph that I wrote. I added a piece after you hit the quote button. I acknowledged what you just did. As far as something happening to me, It would sure suck to live in an authoritarian state that would come after a man for speaking his mind. ;)
Unfortunately due to the current "woke culture" and the current state's political ideologues having deemed their first order is to protect the state from all threats foreign and domestic, the definition of those things are currently being take under further review. Some speech that was protected may no longer be deemed as such.

A March 2021 unclassified threat assessment prepared by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), Department of Justice, and DHS, noted that domestic violent extremists “who are motivated by a range of ideologies and galvanized by recent political and societal events in the United States pose an elevated threat to the Homeland in 2021.”3 The assessment pointed to newer “sociopolitical developments such as narratives of fraud in the recent general election, the emboldening impact of the violent breach of the U.S. Capitol, conditions related to the COVID-19 pandemic, and conspiracy theories promoting violence” that “will almost certainly spur some [domestic violent extremists] [sic] to try to engage in violence this year.”4
So today I got a first hand report of the biden va visit.

"Biden was in Fort Worth last week, to visit with veterans at the VA clinic and promote awareness about healthcare initiatives targeted at dealing with the effects of burn pits. "

Talking a couple of hours to this veteran that was there at the va when biden came " uninvited" to Fort Worth Texas.

Some facts:

There were let's go Brandon signs all over the highways and roads.

There were fuck joe biden signs.
There were Trump support signs.

There was a Trump tent accross the street from the VA.

The brown shirts were scrambling to cut pictures and vidio's.

The fucked up highway traffic all damn day in Fort Worth Texas.

The staff at the VA politely referred to the deuch bag as " smokey joe".

The news report of his speach and visit had audio of four yes (4) people clapping.

The cocksuckers at the news departments are paid schills.

There are not enough smoke and mirrors to hide this shit much longer.
I’m have been aware of this since it was published on the .gov whitehouse website. The release basically says this country has been terrorized by white supremacist from its inception and went on to say what you just quoted. Come out way back last year in a release. Do you still think this is anarchy? This isn’t what anarchy looks like. Lol
WE have both. None is constant or consistent. They are trying but they fuck everything up so we get chaos.
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They may end up better than the USA. Maybe you haven't gotten groceries, gas, a loan, and the list goes on.
But it's no longer COVID or the supply chain, or Jo potato's admin policies it's Putin's fault.
Remember how potato Jo said that he knows how to get things done? The only thing his administration has accomplished is fucking up.
I'm doing just fine jarhead. Joe will keep your stupid ass alive...unfortunately.
A March 2021 unclassified threat assessment prepared by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), Department of Justice, and DHS, noted that domestic violent extremists “who are motivated by a range of ideologies and galvanized by recent political and societal events in the United States pose an elevated threat to the Homeland in 2021.”3 The assessment pointed to newer “sociopolitical developments such as narratives of fraud in the recent general election, the emboldening impact of the violent breach of the U.S. Capitol, conditions related to the COVID-19 pandemic, and conspiracy theories promoting violence” that “will almost certainly spur some [domestic violent extremists] [sic] to try to engage in violence this year.”4
I read this assessment

Maybe they are beginning to learn something about many...if not, they deserve the inevitable outcome which will, hopefully, be a lawful and peaceful one but if not...

Someone once said that "every time you hunt, you learn something". I believe that
That's the rules of the game. He answers to the AG, the AG answers to the President and the President answers to the people (cough) who put him there.

So you think they cheated. Or you are a sore loser. Either way, that's the way it goes, according to our laws that are legislated by the people we elect.

Either use the system for change if you don't like it, or drop out off the grid, or revolt.

Is that what you are saying?
Somebody sounds like a F.A.G.
Uh, no disrespect to you but:


Now, my friend Big Joe got it and I cared very much. My son and future DIL got it, and I cared very much.

I cannot think of a single reason to give a flying fuck at a donut about some guy getting it who I do not know and don't care to know.
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Some believe that

"Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heaven." John Milton, Paradise Lost

Hitler should be nice and cooked about now. Not sure about Putin or his soul yet....Ukraine being part of the EU and eventually NATO would be something that he won't allow. If anyone believes that this isn't about encroachment is deluding themselves.

What he does after he takes the Ukraine over remains to be seen. Maybe he will be the next Hitler...maybe not...WWIII is nothing I care to see. It will be a possible extinction event and for what?
Putin will not die from natural causes. Not hard to predict.

Just a reminder to change the batteries in your smoke detectors. I’ve mentioned this in a few post here in the past, on March 26, 2018 my daughter passed away in a house fire. The smoke detectors weren’t working and she didn’t have a chance.

I’m not mentioning this for sympathy. I’ve made peace with my loss, my goal in sharing my story is to remind everyone to keep those smokies in good working order. In todays world of chemicals and plastics the smoke is what kills you not the flames. Time is of the essence in case of a fire.

Early detection is key, she literally lived across the street from the fire departments training facilities and a fire house was only 3-4 blocks away. Please take this seriously, $20 in new smokies would probably have saved her life. I’d pay that amount a million times over to have her back.


Her name was Madison she was a sweet kid with a lot of life to live.