Lost a day this week , thought yesterday was Thursday
….hope I’m not forgetting shit like Xiden or his nappy haired fluffer with the French name.
SOoooo todays (Thursday) Pre Run Dump is dedicated to Lindsay Graham
…he put the R in RINO. That piece of Shit is as wishy washy as a laundry mat full of Whirlpools.
Look you right in the eyes and lies roll off his tongue faster than raw oysters.
So for his back stabbing ways , and since I ate Indian last night , these curry spiced turds go to and for you Lindsey
a true piece of human feces !
And while I wipe my asshole ….. fuck you asshole

SOoooo todays (Thursday) Pre Run Dump is dedicated to Lindsay Graham

Look you right in the eyes and lies roll off his tongue faster than raw oysters.
So for his back stabbing ways , and since I ate Indian last night , these curry spiced turds go to and for you Lindsey

And while I wipe my asshole ….. fuck you asshole