And you know this how?
150 years since the industrial revolution STARTED and we have increased temps by 3 degrees?
"The math doesn't work out."
"Yes, but thats because its increasing exponentially."
You nuts couldn't possibly believe your bullshit.
They taught me in elementary school id be froze to death by the year 2000 if we didn't stop burning fossil fuel, at the rates we were burning them. Which was handy cause at the rates of 1976, we were gonna be completely out of crude and its products by 2000 as well. Even had lots of articles in national geographic, warning us of the coming DOOM.
Now you say we are gonna burn up in a few years. So far, your team has a 100% bullshit rate, you are worse than a broken clock, at least its right once in a while.
I've got news for you the world will definately end in fire, and it won't be because we used fossil fuel as energy, and ate steak and chicken.
Yall are full of shit, and educated beyond your intelligence, not to mention crippled too high for crutches.