Before reading the book I did a LITTLE, very LITTLE research on her background. Tossed out of college by the commies, then back in as "the west" called them out on it, she saw the wrighting on the wall and bailed in the 20's IIRC.
Before I read Gulag by Solzhenitsyn (had to google the name to spell it) I have come away with thinking....these guys have an insight that few others do.
I knew a lady back in the 90's that got out of russia. Her stories of riding the train with toilet paper on a string around her neck and how everyone you got TP. Lucky duck. Along with other stories she had. Made me really think. Then every person you ever see interviewed or anyone that has written anything always say the same thing about the US. This place is great, why are you fucking it up.
Carries a lot of weight.
I went into her book knowing nothing about the story. I have no clue what is going to happen. I am reading this fairly slow, in a large part me. The "story" telling is just so slow, with good stuff here and there. But she builds on that story down the road....or track I should say. So you can't skim it you need to read it, and if I am not interested that is VERY hard for me to do.
I don't want to ruin it for someone after me so I will be really vague with my comments.
I have a feeling something is going to happen fairly quickly, she just had a talk with a guy about a bridge. When we first used steel did we build the bridges the same way we built them out of wood, no we built the bridges differently. Wow, what a picture.
That is roughly where I am. The hook has taken a long time to try to set, only to not quite make it. I have a feeling the hook is going to be set here pretty quickly and I will not be able to put it down.