We were called paranoid conspiracy kooks just two years ago when the EPA wanted everyone to "register" their gardens with the gov.
People, never forget what they were doing. It wasn't long ago that they were burning down food processing plants, asking us to register our gardens, taking land from farmers globally, killing off as many livestock and poultry as possible, prepping you to eat ze bugs, creating water and wheat shortages, developing digital IDs, pushing digital currency, creating the department of disinformation, and much more.
All of the above was being put in place to control the masses through forced starvation. If your social credit score was wonky because of your wrong think...no food this week sorry. It was going to be forced on you but now, it's a desperate plea from Klaus to please submit your gardens to us.
We were really fucking close to this and a lot more. Don't forget what happened and how close we were, but more importantly don't get too comfortable with the orange man's disruption because this little taste of liberty ain't gonna be here long and the beast technology is being developed quickly.