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"Obama screwed all of us"

that was the plan...

The author told everyone lol.

People seem to forget how Milwaukee/Waukesha got where it is today. Who remembers the ACORN bussed-in Amish attacking any melanin-deprived individuals leaving Summerfest? That's scrubbed off the internet.
...and just to think...the Republican Party started out in Racine, Wi., if my wifey's history lesson serves me correctly. Mac
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The media claimed a 6-year-old girl died of measles, but “she did not die of measles by any stretch of the imagination,” Dr. Pierre Kory says.“In fact, she died of pneumonia. But it gets worse than that because she didn’t really die of pneumonia. She died of a MEDICAL ERROR.”Let that sink in.What happened was a complete breakdown in basic medical care. The hospital failed to give her the appropriate antibiotic regimen to treat her pneumonia. By the time they corrected their mistake, it was too late, and the girl died “catastrophically.”

Is Turkish President Erdogan Now Sultan​

"He has championed and led what amounts to an Islamic revolution within Turkey. He talks regularly about freeing Jerusalem from the “Crusaders”. He provides a safe haven to Hamas. He has worked hard to expand Turkey’s influence in other nations in the Middle East once ruled by the Ottomans. Even now his troops are effectively annexing a large chunk of Syria. If he had his way, he would go far beyond that"
High time Israel fights and funds its own wars

but,if you read work by the current wokish anthropologists or historians,they deny any proof that the Aztecs were cannibals. what BS. their ag production was always minimal & were having probs there when Cortez showed up. cut hearts out thousands at a time,dumped the bodies downstairs to the masses and not eaten? BS. Aztec army's mission was capturing victims for sacrifice. why did Cortez have such an easy time getting allies? imagine being even a nominal Catholic Spaniard and seeing that. even saw some of their buds sacrificed after capture. pol correct narrative is most questionable. no the conquistadors were vicious and cruel but not much dif from the Aztecs.