I have a friend with a full auto MP5, the local indoor range that we use to shoot at allowed full auto, but were still uptight about full auto.
We had shot this exact gun at this exact range two prior times, and going full auto for the full magazine never seemed to be a problem for anyone
What I didn't know at the time:
1. there was only one range officer that allowed me and my friend to go full auto for an entire magazine, my friend always found him and talked with him before I ever arrived at the range
2. Official range rules on full auto weapons were if you shot full auto you had to do 2 second bursts (they were afraid of you hitting something other than the target)
3. The cool RO from #1 was not on duty this one day
Well I am not new to full auto, I know how to handle the gun
I grab a mag, full auto the entire thing into a target that was 12 yards down range all at once
Short old range officer with an attitude comes running into the bay screaming stop shooting stop shooting flailing his hands around, I mean you would have thought that someone got shot with the animation and loudness this little man was going on with
and to my surprise he comes running up to me and is telling me I am OUT OF THERE, he is THROWING ME OUT OF THE RANGE for going full auto for more than 2 seconds.
I was like, what? completely dumbfounded, I do this all the time here was my response, he was like no you don't that is not allowed here and you were told.
Well I was never told, my friend owned the gun and he went through the 15-20 minute run down of everything related to shooting full auto at this range, and he failed to mention to me that we had a 2 second rule TODAY that we never had before.
Anyway, here is the funny part, an off duty officer was in the bay next to us, and he obviously knew this range officer really well, he comes over into my bay, looks at the target, looks at the RO and says, Bill I am not sure what your problem is, that guy shot a better group in the dead center of that target with full auto than 90% of the people coming in here shoot with anything else.
I could not help but laugh and I know that did me no good.
Needless to say after that I was allowed to stay, but agreed to stick to the stupid 2 second rule even though I proved there was no need (they are just worried about people shooting the walls and ceiling and going out of control with their full auto, assumption is no one knows how to handle a weapon
Why 'O why do stupid uneducated and untrained idiiots have to ruin everything for everyone? I am sure the 2 second full auto rule exits because someone did something stupid and they then needed a rule for EVERYONE....