Re: Powder Dispenser, "The Best" Harrels or???
"..I do have to question if the "gnat's ass" accuracy you get is lost among the multitude of variables that comprise a rifle's accuracy potential.
Temperature alone is going to make a MUCH bigger change in the rate of powder burn, thus altering chamber pressure and the pressure/time curve than a kernel or two of powder ever will."
Wisest thing in this thread.
BR guys who load on the line use a Harrels, etc, without weighting and using clicks is fine. Interesting thing is they often vary the measure a few clicks to compensate for temp changes as they occur. At home and when loading for other rifles the ones I know load with a conventional measure, scale and trickler.
I don't think anyone can prove that powder charges tighter than +/- half a tenth will ever matter and most any beam scale will do that quite well. Wonder if anyone who thinks a powder kernal makes a differece has ever measured the effect a tiny case volume difference makes on pressure; and even the best cases - and primers - aren't as consistant as we might like to think. And, at 1k yards, an invisible puff of head or tail wind will make more difference in virtical dispersion than a tenth of powder.
The Prometheus is an interesting gadget. But with loads made at home in whatever cases we have and then fired in whatever temp conditions exist at the range makes costly .00001 charge precision pointless. At least in my humble opinion. Your mileage may vary....but...really??