I've noticed there's next to no data on this powder. I seem to be the only one shooting it. Today I shot in 94 degrees with a 103 heat index. It was hot. I was shooting 72.5 grains with a 208 amax at 3.625 oal. ( 20/1000" off lands. " I sighted in at 108 and shot around 1/2 moa or a tad less. After getting my scope reset I started the journey to 920 yards. Lets just say I was shocked. 19.8 moa to hit dead on at 920 yards. 3,015 fps give or take. 4200 ft/lb at muzzle and will journey well past a mile.
On another note , this powder is temp sensitive. When I started shooting there were no op signs. After 15 minutes I was getting ejector swipes. But it SHOOTS.
Rifle was a 700 5r 26" bbl and a hs p stock topped with a 20 moa rail and a NF 5.5x22x50.
Just thought I'd share in case any one wants some data for later on.
On another note , this powder is temp sensitive. When I started shooting there were no op signs. After 15 minutes I was getting ejector swipes. But it SHOOTS.
Rifle was a 700 5r 26" bbl and a hs p stock topped with a 20 moa rail and a NF 5.5x22x50.
Just thought I'd share in case any one wants some data for later on.