Pre indictment leaks by FBI to NY Times

Why can't you answer the simple question? Don't you trust anyone? Is everyone in the government a communist?

Deny everything and trust nobody. I don't think everybody in the government is a communist. I think everybody is no damn good. You ask the same question a lot. Here is one for you. Where is your evidence? All I know is what I see and I see a lot of people acting like fucking East Germans and if it wasn't for the Consitution people like you are quite capable of killing people like me. You are the piece of shit weak ass beacon we selectively elected against and you're acting like a child. This is the one that needs to be in a mental hospital.
I don't believe anything yet, there is a lot of smoke but so far no fire, I'm sure its coming based on who Trump is at his core, a con. I don't have a side, I didn't vote for either one of the piece of shit choices we had to choose from.

You don't have a side yet but you believe he's a con. You're statement proves otherwise. You've chosen your side but appear to not have the conviction and stones to stand tall by your beliefs. But if you think DT is a con, wait until someone actually opens your eyes to your androgynous gendered candidate Hillary. The mind blowing experience will be epic.
The Thomas Paine award from the Hide

Hey tna , awesome post . Daily I read the news etc and think to myself Wow .
When all of this is viewed from hindsight as history people will ask why we allowed this to happen . Who in their right mind sits idly while such Treasonous acts are committed again and again and again . Thanks for reminding me that some are completely ok with government ignoring both Law and Constitution . They rabidly seek the demise of anything and anyone who has a differing opinion . They call for the murder of gun owners , Christians and whites . None of these are crimes and yet they don't fit the agenda . Crimes that are committed are brushed aside and given gag orders with threats from government to look the other way or else .
( The gang rape of the little girl in Idaho by Somali immigrants ) .
There is not enough room in this thread , let alone no one would read due to size to list the atrocities against humanity , Constitution and every manner of decencey committed by those on the left . History will judge us cowards for not acting .
Stalin's great show trials and Americans in the room from NYC reporting about what a wonderful person this crazy motherfucker was. Another day, another blow job.
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Anyone who reads the simplest of Orwell quotes can see the handwriting on the wall, even Stevie Wonder and Ray Charles.

The people will believe what the media tells them.
The past is erased, the erasure is forgotten, and the lie becomes the truth.
Every record is being destroyed or falsified, every book is being rewritten, every statue and street building is being renamed, every date is being altered, and that process is continuing day to day, minute by minute, history has stopped, nothing exists but the endless present on which the party is always right.
The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.
In our age there is no such thing as keeping out of politics, all issues are political issues, and politics itself is a mass of lies, evasions, folly, hatred, and schizophrenia.
Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in ones mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.
Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful, and murder respectable, and give the appearance of solidity to pure wind.
Power is tearing human minds to pieces...

The people will believe what the media tells them.....
Orwell ^

Repeat the lie often enough it becomes the truth...
The fuse continues to burn. The MSM is and will continue to be relentless in its quest to remove Trump

The queen of cunts, HRC, continues her tirade relative to winning the popular vote and not being elected. People actually, through incredible ignorance, believe this more and more

Sessions is in hiding and Mueller continues the witch hunt

November is coming and it really may be a carthatic event post election
Perhaps a lunatic is simply a minority of one.
What can you do against a lunatic who is more intelligent than yourself, who gives your argument a fair hearing, then simply persists in his lunacy.
Being in a minority, even in a minority of one does not make you mad (lunatic), there is truth and there is untruth, and if you cling to the truth, even against the whole world, you are not mad (lunatic).
The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.
Orwell (again).

Therefore , it becomes critical to determine who speaks the truth. And who can and will back it up with evidence.
Perhaps a lunatic is simply a minority of one.
What can you do against a lunatic who is more intelligent than yourself, who gives your argument a fair hearing, then simply persists in his lunacy.
Being in a minority, even in a minority of one does not make you mad (lunatic), there is truth and there is untruth, and if you cling to the truth, even against the whole world, you are not mad (lunatic).
The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.
Orwell (again).

Therefore , it becomes critical to determine who speaks the truth. And who can and will back it up with evidence.

The question is what is the truth? Who do you trust and not trust? It is a nest of vipers.

To me, the truth is written in the COTUS. Anyone that tries to usurp that truth is an enemy
Anyone who reads the simplest of Orwell quotes can see the handwriting on the wall, even Stevie Wonder and Ray Charles......

The people will believe what the media tells them.
The past is erased, the erasure is forgotten, and the lie becomes the truth.
Every record is being destroyed or falsified, every book is being rewritten, every statue and street building is being renamed, every date is being altered, and that process is continuing day to day, minute by minute, history has stopped, nothing exists but the endless present on which the party is always right.
Repeat the lie often enough it becomes the truth...

I think the Yawkey Family should ask for the millions in charitable donations they have made to area hospitals and to the Jimmy Fund because they dont want to taint those institutions with their "racist' past.

I just had my kid in the "Yawkey" building at Mass General Hospital the other day - Am I guilty of being a racist?
It's a rare leftie that's smarter than me.

They just prey on the stupid (their voting base) and instead of figuring out how to govern effectively, they concentrate on how to obtain and retain political power.

To them the point is to do anything to get votes and once they have political power, use it to benefit themselves, their friends and whoever they promised favors for campaign contributions.

They will spend a government in to massive debt with projects and policies designed to consolidate power and in the case of local governments, they will throw out the general plan in a move to raise more tax revenue.

Hell, I've even seen them propose sin taxes (soda) that pay in to the general fund.

A lot of our conservative politicians are almost as bad, some of them are lefties in disguise or so butthurt by a campaign loss that they become obstructionist.

If we had moderates that were just concerned with governing, we would be in much better shape.
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this shit pissed me off to no end....

"racist legacy" my fucking ass.

john henry is a snively little cunt who knows he cant live up to the Yawkee rather than work harder, he does like all liberals do and tries to drag everyone else through the mud to make him look better.

this whole "racism" shit is just a made up concoction.....the redsox can go eat dick.

same with the patriots.......fuck bob kraft too.....fucking POS......

thank god im leaving this POS state....hope it burns to the ground
@pmclaine @mcameron

Blood fuck the people who want to keep destroying the past...... for politically correct pussified don't hurt a minority or cultural thing....

Y'all be correct, that is destroying America. The America we believe in a live in.
So blood fuck to death those shirbrain people who want to destroy us.

There are Orwell statements for this too.. and for flyers post too.

The party is trying their damndest to destroy US...

Rant over.
I wish you guys would quit "sugar coating" everything and tell us how you feel.

The question is what is the truth? Who do you trust and not trust? It is a nest of vipers.

To me, the truth is written in the COTUS. Anyone that tries to usurp that truth is an enemy

A politician who is rolling back the power of the government, by cutting regulations and taxes, automatically gets a point in their favor.
Enjoy your time in the sun, your boy Trump will soon be gone and the extremists will be relegated to the shadows where they belong, hiding under hoods and behind confederate flags.
remember "take down trump" have a Pence presidency.

its literally a lose -lose situation for you.

#Winning #trump2020 #GoFuckYourselfLiberalCuck


i love it, you liberals are so delusional that you honestly think that if trump gets impeached for.....something......even though there is literally no evidence of wrong doing......that theyll what? make hillary president?.......or maybe call back Barack?

no, if Trump gets impeached, the presidency goes to someone who you liberal hate even more than trump, hahahaha
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remember "take down trump" have a Pence presidency.

its literally a lose -lose situation for you.

#Winning #trump2020 #GoFuckYourselfLiberalCuck


i love it, you liberals are so delusional that you honestly think that if trump gets impeached for.....something......even though there is literally no evidence of wrong doing......that theyll what? make hillary president?.......or maybe call back Barack?

no, if Trump gets impeached, the presidency goes to someone who you liberal hate even more than trump, hahahaha

No these retards think Hillary becomes President.

Not a one of em read the Constitution they just know they want to get rid of it.
Enjoy your time in the sun, your boy Trump will soon be gone and the extremists will be relegated to the shadows where they belong, hiding under hoods and behind confederate flags.
Oh poor misguided douche knob dribblet . If Trump goes it lights off and Liberalism is a disease fit for eradication . I'm quite certain that your faggotry preceeds you wherever you go and that you're known far and wide ( like hot dog down a hallway ass wide ) as a libtard POS whom will bring about his own demise . So thanks and congratulations for your self bleaching . And please don't deprive one of your local Patriots the pleasure by offing yourself you poor child rape survivor . It wasn't your fault that you were born so effeminate.
Oh poor misguided douche knob dribblet . If Trump goes it lights off and Liberalism is a disease fit for eradication . I'm quite certain that your faggotry preceeds you wherever you go and that you're known far and wide ( like hot dog down a hallway ass wide ) as a libtard POS whom will bring about his own demise . So thanks and congratulations for your self bleaching . And please don't deprive one of your local Patriots the pleasure by offing yourself you poor child rape survivor . It wasn't your fault that you were born so effeminate.

"Dribblet" ?........:ROFLMAO:
Trump is going down and it's going to be fun to watch.

I don't believe anything yet, there is a lot of smoke but so far no fire, I'm sure its coming based on who Trump is at his core, a con. I don't have a side, I didn't vote for either one of the piece of shit choices we had to choose from.

Contradict much?
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dna9001, what source of info has lead you to believe Trump's guilt?
Something that has occurred to me, the entire(almost) MSM, DNC-democrats, Rebuplican/rhinos FBI, NSA, DOJ have been looking up
Trump's skirt trying to find any dirt they can to discredit his Presidency and actions.
So far the only thing I have seen that bore fruit is Stormy Daniels/hooker banging.
He screwed her and paid her to shut up.
How many of the actors running these witch hunts could withstand this level of scrutiny?
If a portion of this effort was leveled at Obama and Hillary people would be going to prison.
Refute these claims.

Enjoy your time in the sun, your boy Trump will soon be gone and the extremists will be relegated to the shadows where they belong, hiding under hoods and behind confederate flags.
If you only knew how many times we've heard some short dick fuckin native tell us this shit for the last year and a half.
I wish you guys could get some new material.

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Enjoy your time in the sun, your boy Trump will soon be gone and the extremists will be relegated to the shadows where they belong, hiding under hoods and behind confederate flags.

I'm not ashamed of my hood motherfucker, I'm posting a picture of me behind my hood, just so u understand some of us unrepentant unreconstructed rebel deplorables DO produce for the United States of America...... and are damn proud of it....

Man TNA has to get on the comment sections of the news publications.

So many people seem to disagree with him.

What the F is wrong with everyone seeing things differently than TNA?

Perhaps the problem is TNA?
According to the ultra radical leftist cunts, anything from fox, breitbart, or drudge (even thought they have been told an endless amount of times that drudge isn't a news source) is clearly biased and cannot be trusted
The democrats still have their hoods and you are their slave, an extremist slave you are too.
You say Trump will soon be gone, fact , Trump is the only thing keeping a lid on the boiling pot, if that lid comes off people like you will be planted shortly thereafter.

Enjoy your time in the sun, your boy Trump will soon be gone and the extremists will be relegated to the shadows where they belong, hiding under hoods and behind confederate flags.
People get shot for less. Corruption. Corruption everywhere. One can only hope these spineless cocksuvkers fuck with someone that has a terminal illness and no fucks left to give.

According to a new report on Tuesday, General Michael Flynn only signed a guilty plea after Special Counsel Mueller threatened his family and son.

As reported by
Gen. Michael Flynn didn’t cut a deal with U.S. Special Counsel Robert Mueller because he was necessarily guilty of lying to the FBI, or any crimes, according to sources close to the retired general.

Flynn was muscled and coerced into a plea deal, several sources said.

Flynn plead guilty after Mueller threatened Flynn’s family, including his son Michael Jr. According to sources close to Flynn family, Mueller threatened Flynn on multiple occasions that if he did not plead guilty to lying to the FBI, Mueller would investigate other Flynn family members.

Including his son. And rack up thousands more dollars in legal fees.

“I didn’t do anything illegal so this notion that one of the thing the Special Counsel could do to get my father to accept a plea deal was threaten me has always been odd,” Michael Flynn Jr. told True Pundit.

Odd but true nonetheless.

A close family associate said Mueller and his team even threatened Flynn Jr. during a meeting with Gen. Flynn in the same room. Mueller’s apparent goal with the threats was to cause additional stress in the Flynn family as well as hike Flynn’s legal fees which were already bankrupting the family, sources said.

“Between the threats and the finances, he (Gen. Flynn) had to make a deal to put the brakes on this,” a family associate said. “This has nothing to do with guilt. This was survival.”