Primer Blast Waves


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    Well I thought this research paper might be of interest to some here. I am contemplating discussing a new series of primer testing with Dr. Courtney and I am interested to see what primers you all would want to see tested. Please leave reply with what primer(s) you would like tested. For sake of this conversation let us keep all the "baby" primers out lol.



    • High-speed measurement of rifle primer blast waves.pdf
      553 KB · Views: 84
    Seems silly to go to all that effort and use a rifle barrel rattler than a repeatable experimental setup with a vented bomb. Kuo published a paper in the early 80s that describes the method. It’s very similar to that described here, but better. If memory serves he characterized the CCI military primers and the CCI 200. Since the commercial primers are proprietary, you’re somewhat limited in the analysis that you can do but pressure traces are better than nothing. Kuo’s setup did a better job of filtering out shocks and shoes cleaner traces.
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