Problem with a new Stiller Tac 30


Team Pantydropper
Full Member
  • Nov 8, 2009
    I'll try to explain this the best I can.
    I bought a rifle from a member here a couple weeks ago. It's built on a Stiller Tac 30 action. The rifle/action is supposed to be relatively new with only 250 rounds fired through it, but who knows if that's actually true.

    As soon as I got the rifle I noticed the action was not even close to being as smooth as my 5R. I was very dissappointed since this was a high end "custom" action. I took it home and cleaned it up (it wasn't dirty, but I cleaned it anyway) and gave it a fresh coat of lube, adequate, but not too much. It still seemed very rough and jerky compared to my other 700's. I was not impressed. Well tonight was the first time I've had a chance to really mess with the rifle since I brought it home. So, I grab 3 rounds and load them into the Badger DBM and lay down in floor and prepare to cycle the 3 rounds out from the prone firing position. Well, it wouldn't feed. I naturally thought it was a problem of the Bergers being loaded too long, but on closer inspection that wasn't the case.
    Here is where I'll try to explain the best I can. I removed the magazine and attempted to cycle the action from the prone position. The problem seems to be when the bolt is cycled all the way to the back/rear it has slack/slop in it, so with your hand on the bolt knob as you begin to apply forward pressure the entire bolt cocks to the side or angles slightly downward, depending on the pressure applied, misalignes, and hangs up and will not slide forward. Well after tinkering with it for about 15 min, I found that when I cycled it back/rear, if I placed my thumb on the rear center of the bolt body, not using the actual bolt handle, it would slide forward just fine because it isn't able to misalign with my thumb applying direct centered forward pressure to finish the cycle.

    Obviously when I placed the magazine back in it with rounds in it, the problem only got worse. I could still get it to cycle using my thumb on the rear of the bolt body, but if I attempted to cycle the action using the actual bolt handle/knob it would lock up tight and not budge at all. Once the bolt head gets about a half inch froward of the full open position it smoothes out and I can complete the cycle with the handle/knob. It's just that slack/slop in the very rear/full open position that causes the binding.

    Do you understand what I'm trying to say? Is this normal of a new action to be sticky? Is this common with Stiller? Should I send it off? Call stiller? Obviously I can't compete with this rifle confidently with it not cycling smoothly. It really pisses me off considering the amount of money I spent on this rifle setup. It's obvious the previous owner knew about this, it's impossible to not notice it. What should I do? I'm really looking for more advice than "just call the guy you bought from". That's really not going to fix my rifle.
    Re: Problem with a new Stiller Tac 30

    Ouch, I would be pissed. I'm afraid I don't have much advise for you other than getting ahold of Stiller and see what they say. I would also have words with the seller of this rifle. Something isn't right.
    Re: Problem with a new Stiller Tac 30

    I would contact stiller about it. That is a pertty solid stainless action and "wear" wouldn't cause that. Not unless it was just worn to death which would be pretty obvious. It kiinda sounds like its just wedging in the left lugrace and rear of the action. Maybe ask the owner what he did with the issue? I'm sure he noticed it and as long as you don't sound accusitory he will talk to you.

    Maybe try a little lug grease at those points and see if it helps. (Assuming you havnt already, and you probably have.)

    Look really close and pinpoint the two contact points its wedging into. I'm curious myself
    Re: Problem with a new Stiller Tac 30

    trevor, i have had a similar problem. My rifle is going to John Beanland for bedding (i finally got my stock.) It wouldn't feed bullets from Rem BDL bottom metal.
    Re: Problem with a new Stiller Tac 30

    This just sucks. I would call Stiller and explain your problem to them. They are a stand up company and I bet they will take care of you. I would be pissed at the person who sold you this rifle. They had to know the problem existed.. Good luck....
    Re: Problem with a new Stiller Tac 30

    What's worse is the fact that the seller never made you aware of the issues he was having with it. I don't doubt that's why he was selling it in the first place. What an asshole!!!!
    You have every right to be IRATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Re: Problem with a new Stiller Tac 30

    I would guess that Jerry Stiller himself will reply to the OP here on this thread soon.

    Good luck on a resolution, I'm sure that Stiller will take care of it for you.
    Re: Problem with a new Stiller Tac 30

    First, I'd get a hold of the guy you got it from. That is not something that could have gone unnoticed.

    But have no fear...

    Jerry is a stand up guy. He took care of me when I had an issue. I think his handle here is Stiller. You could try to PM him as well.
    Re: Problem with a new Stiller Tac 30

    It'll be interesting to hear what happens, but I am willing to bet that it would go away with copious amounts of dryfiring. Good luck!
    Re: Problem with a new Stiller Tac 30

    Mine is similar. Has the old bolt coating. When you eliminate the slop and replace it with precision machine work you are getting a 'custom' action. Grabbing the bolt handle like you are a caveman and it is your club when you cycle it is more than likely your problem. You noted that when you push bolt straight in with your thumb things worked much better!!! Learn to cycle the bolt by holding/pushing on knob different than you are used to with the 'junk' you have used in the past.

    If it has the gray coating(can't remember what it was called) they take a while to 'wear in'. Sure as hell isn't wore out in a few hundred rounds. Also all the advice about being pissed at the seller and hanging Jerry by the nads until he gives you a million dollars isn't 'advice', just getting an extra post. As stated Jerry will explain and do everything he can, just get ahold of him instead of posting all over the net first.

    Take a deep breath and drink a cup of tea, they are nice actions.
    I know, I am crude and rude

    Re: Problem with a new Stiller Tac 30

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: SDWhirlwind</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Mine is similar. Has the old bolt coating. When you eliminate the slop and replace it with precision machine work you are getting a 'custom' action. Grabbing the bolt handle like you are a caveman and it is your club when you cycle it is more than likely your problem. You noted that when you push bolt straight in with your thumb things worked much better!!! Learn to cycle the bolt by holding/pushing on knob different than you are used to with the 'junk' you have used in the past.

    If it has the gray coating(can't remember what it was called) they take a while to 'wear in'. Sure as hell isn't wore out in a few hundred rounds. Also all the advice about being pissed at the seller and hanging Jerry by the nads until he gives you a million dollars isn't 'advice', just getting an extra post. As stated Jerry will explain and do everything he can, just get ahold of him instead of posting all over the net first.

    Take a deep breath and drink a cup of tea, they are nice actions.
    I know, I am crude and rude

    Dennis </div></div>

    You sir are a jackass....plain and simple. You do not know me and you sure as hell don't know how I cycle a bolt. You can take your ignorant speculations and shove them up your arrogant misinformed ass.....sir. Who the hell do you think you are coming in the thread and make accusations about my abilities? I'm not a moron and I understand the concept of precision machine work and tight tolerances. Slop in a bolt is far from "precision". I am not making negative comments about the Stiller brand nor did myself or anyone else blame Mr. Stiller or hold him accountable. My original post was to tell about an individual problem I was having and how I might be able to fix it or options I had to correct it. It will seem that you have a problem with comprehension, meaning your ability to read and then form conclusions based on information given.

    Hey, if you get a couple of free minutes today why don't you go fuck yourself.
    Re: Problem with a new Stiller Tac 30

    This is very hard to diagnose over the phone / forum. You are welcome to send it to us so we can see what the issue is. It is important to us that you are happy with our product.

    One thing about tighter toleranced bolts - the tighter they are [we run .004-.006"] the more necessary the force used to close the bolt is axial to the raceway.


    Re: Problem with a new Stiller Tac 30

    Russ was very prompt in returning my phone call. We visited on the phone and I am going to take the rifle by their shop later this week when i am in the area for them to take a look at it. He didn't care that I had bought it from someone else, he just wanted to make sure I was happy and that his product was performing as it should. That's good service.

    This post seems to have went in the wrong direction for some reason. My intent was not to come across as blaming the Stiller brand, but rather speculate if possibly I had a malfunctioned action or if this was a issue of it being new/newer and needing to be ran for a while to loosen up. Yes, I am unhappy with this particular action right now, but I'm sure it will get straightened out and it will be fine. This is my first true "custom" action so this is new to me and maybe I had expectations that were unrealistic.

    Russ, thanks again. I'll see you later this week.
    Re: Problem with a new Stiller Tac 30

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: trevor300wsm</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: SDWhirlwind</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Mine is similar. Has the old bolt coating. When you eliminate the slop and replace it with precision machine work you are getting a 'custom' action. Grabbing the bolt handle like you are a caveman and it is your club when you cycle it is more than likely your problem. You noted that when you push bolt straight in with your thumb things worked much better!!! Learn to cycle the bolt by holding/pushing on knob different than you are used to with the 'junk' you have used in the past.

    If it has the gray coating(can't remember what it was called) they take a while to 'wear in'. Sure as hell isn't wore out in a few hundred rounds. Also all the advice about being pissed at the seller and hanging Jerry by the nads until he gives you a million dollars isn't 'advice', just getting an extra post. As stated Jerry will explain and do everything he can, just get ahold of him instead of posting all over the net first.

    Take a deep breath and drink a cup of tea, they are nice actions.
    I know, I am crude and rude

    Dennis </div></div>

    You sir are a jackass....plain and simple. You do not know me and you sure as hell don't know how I cycle a bolt. You can take your ignorant speculations and shove them up your arrogant misinformed ass.....sir. Who the hell do you think you are coming in the thread and make accusations about my abilities? I'm not a moron and I understand the concept of precision machine work and tight tolerances. Slop in a bolt is far from "precision". I am not making negative comments about the Stiller brand nor did myself or anyone else blame Mr. Stiller or hold him accountable. My original post was to tell about an individual problem I was having and how I might be able to fix it or options I had to correct it. It will seem that you have a problem with comprehension, meaning your ability to read and then form conclusions based on information given.

    Hey, if you get a couple of free minutes today why don't you go fuck yourself. </div></div>

    Duh??....Whut you sayin????.....Guess I am stupid, first if I had known you were so smart and knowledgeable I would have figured out why you posted looking for advice/info. 2nd...I guess trying to say something with a bit of humor just plain escaped my post and your higher intelligence! Anyone with an IQ like mine would surely have figured out why a smart SOB such as you indicate you are would ask these questions on a public forum!

    So here is another "ignorant speculation"!!!

    My feable and lack of pacifying attempt at helping you with your ppppproblem failed because I am soooooo "arrogant", "ignorant" and a "jackass".........

    You asked for help because.....Why was that again?????....,ohhhh,......"you're not a moron"??? Now I get it! Sorry! to "fuck myself" while you go to school to learn more about how to "cycle a bolt" and hone your "abilities". Oh, and that "individual problem"?, well, that might be a couple of other things than just knowing how to "cycle a bolt" on a certain custom action

    Did you "comprehend" all of the above? Sorry if it was tooo simple!

    You have a great day now tapping into all that 'experience' you have stored away

    Re: Problem with a new Stiller Tac 30

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: trevor300wsm</div><div class="ubbcode-body">

    Slop in a bolt is far from "precision".

    Hey, if you get a couple of free minutes today why don't you go fuck yourself. </div></div>

    You need to realize that these are field actions and do have a larger bolt body to receiver clearance by design.

    I agree with sdw, you need to learn to cycle the bolt straight forward.

    With your last comment, I dont know why anyone would even think about trying to help you.
    Re: Problem with a new Stiller Tac 30

    Oh ggg-gggosh Dennis, you sure put me in my place with that reply. How could I ever formulate a witty retort to top that one??? I suppose I'll tuck my tail and disappear into Internet obscurity never to be seen again because the Great Dennis burned me so immensely. What's sad is the amount of time it probably took you to come up with that reply. If you want to do this slamming/put-down bullshit then you've met your match. I'll play all day. It's not everyday that I get to match wits with a fellow smart ass. I need some new material to work with so bring your best slams and insults, but it's going to have to be better than that weak shit you just pecked out on your keyboard above. Bring the pain or walk on bitch.
    Re: Problem with a new Stiller Tac 30


    As the owner of a couple great field grade custom actions, I would recommend a little grease on the bolt lugs and light oil on the raceway then DRY FIRE THE SHIT out of the action.
    The binding is normal when they are new and cycling the action while dry firing will smooth it out.

    Dennis has it correct, use it and it will get MUCH better.
    Re: Problem with a new Stiller Tac 30

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: trevor300wsm</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Oh ggg-gggosh Dennis, you sure put me in my place with that reply. How could I ever formulate a witty retort to top that one??? I suppose I'll tuck my tail and disappear into Internet obscurity never to be seen again because the Great Dennis burned me so immensely. What's sad is the amount of time it probably took you to come up with that reply. If you want to do this slamming/put-down bullshit then you've met your match. I'll play all day. It's not everyday that I get to match wits with a fellow smart ass. I need some new material to work with so bring your best slams and insults, but it's going to have to be better than that weak shit you just pecked out on your keyboard above. Bring the pain or walk on bitch. </div></div>

    First you wanted someone to 'fix' your rifle for you via the net. I tried to help you with that and you made me aware that I 'FAILED'!! Guess because I stated something you didn't want to hear!

    Now you want me to help you with your 'INFLATED or DEFLATED EGO' via an arguement on the net?? You were so smart and clever with your knowledge of firearms.....hmmmm.. Ehhhh, I'll pass! I'll probably not meet your expectations nor say what you want to hear with that either! Sorry!

    I know how much intelligence it takes to argue on the net and when I have been whipped
    Still trying to "fuck myself" but you keep interrupting

    Now go fix that custom rifle cupcake!!!!
    Re: Problem with a new Stiller Tac 30

    Eeewww!!! That was a good one Big D. I promise I wont leaving you longing for your next dose. I'm at the post office sending some money orders for another custom rifle that I obviously too stupid to I'll get back to you.
    Re: Problem with a new Stiller Tac 30

    Somebody should call Trevor and tell him his little brother is using his computer again.
    I don't like it

    Seriously though, let us know what Stiller says/does to remedy it. I had a predator action for a while and it was similar- you had to be perfect in bolt operation or it would bind. Sold it after about 1200 rounds, and it had pretty much worn in.

    Re: Problem with a new Stiller Tac 30

    Oh it's all in good fun and humor at this point. It's making me laugh and honestly I need it. I'm about to attend my brother-in-laws funeral at 2:00 and this is taking my mind off of that temporarily so I welcome Big D's wit. As for my rifle issues, they were solved by the phone call I received from Russ at Stiller.
    This is indeed childish, but way too many times I see new guys getting bullied on here by high post count "Dale Gribble" wanna-be's and I'm tired of that shit. I've only participated in this kind of behavior a couple times on this board and both times it was totally justified.
    Re: Problem with a new Stiller Tac 30

    I am sorry to hear about your loss, it is times like this that remind us about the important things in life.
    As stated above, it might be just a matter of learning to cycle the action while putting pressure directly behind the center of the bolt.
    For comparison I have a Lawton 7000 action with less than 1000 rounds through it. It has a tacticool bolt handle the size of a small dogs back leg, and if I don't pay attention to how I cycle it, it wants to hang up in the rear postition, so I apply light thumb pressure on the foreward cycle to keep things running smooth and fast.
    Re: Problem with a new Stiller Tac 30

    If I am not mistaken...and I could be...It is the length of the bolt and not the tolerances. I had a Stiller action and went back to a trued 700. I like the slop involved w/a 700 action. I can't bind it...even if I try. The stiller would bind all the time and it was not fun for me to shoot. What everyone says is true. If a person pushed straight through while running the would not bind. I push in an upward good for me. In a tactical rig...I vote for a trued remington action. A lot of these custom action people have come from the bench rest sector. I don't believe in running "lube" in any rifle to try to solve an issue. I run my action dry w/no issues. I don't believe whatever they do to the will still run about the same.

    For what it is worth...I did not see anything that SDW said was that insulting. I do run my action like a caveman.

    Re: Problem with a new Stiller Tac 30

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: trevor300wsm</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> As for my rifle issues, they were solved by the phone call I received from Russ at Stiller.

    Are you saying Russ took out the "slop in your precision action" over the phone...holy sh*# those Stiller guys are good.
    Re: Problem with a new Stiller Tac 30

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: subgunr</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: trevor300wsm</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> As for my rifle issues, they were solved by the phone call I received from Russ at Stiller.

    Are you saying Russ took out the "slop in your precision action" over the phone...holy sh*# those Stiller guys are good.

    You must suffer from the same affliction as Big D., wipe the jizz out of your eyes and pay closer attention to detail. I did not say that Russ "removed slop from my action over the phone". Do you see where I said that anywhere?? I said he solved my issues. My issues where an action that I was not pleased with, his solution was offering to take care of it for me when I took it by the shop if the action was indeed defective.
    So, you have any other witty comments or would you care to just keep playing and adding to your post count by posting useless bullshit in a already trashed thread??
    Re: Problem with a new Stiller Tac 30

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: trevor300wsm</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
    You must suffer from the say affliction as Big D., <span style="font-weight: bold">wipe the jizz out of your eyes and pay closer attention to detail.</span> </div></div>
    Re: Problem with a new Stiller Tac 30

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: trevor300wsm</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: subgunr</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: trevor300wsm</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> As for my rifle issues, they were solved by the phone call I received from Russ at Stiller.

    Are you saying Russ took out the "slop in your precision action" over the phone...holy sh*# those Stiller guys are good.

    You must suffer from the same affliction as Big D., wipe the jizz out of your eyes and pay closer attention to detail. I did not say that Russ "removed slop from my action over the phone". Do you see where I said that anywhere?? I said he solved my issues. My issues where an action that I was not pleased with, his solution was offering to take care of it for me when I took it by the shop if the action was indeed defective.
    So, you have any other witty comments or would you care to just keep playing and adding to your post count by posting useless bullshit in a already trashed thread?? </div></div>

    You stated in your fisrt post"the problem seems to be when the bolt is cycled all the way to the back/rear it has slack/slop in it" !
    Then your (issue/problem) won't be solved until you take it by their shop. You said a phone call "solved the issue". Look up the definition of solved.

    Your wrote the stuff in quotes....not me.

    And as we are discussing things...
    Surgeon Scalpel 7WSW post for sale .

    You stated " Its a awesome fifle. Im sitting on go ready to own this if there is a option to buy without scope"
    The scope was sold last week,the option you required has been there, the firearm apears to be NOT marked SPF .

    Are you a man of your word ?

    The whole thing is a joke that you would go on the boards and and talk about the action without contacting the seller or the manufacture first. Slinging mud is a childish move !

    Re: Problem with a new Stiller Tac 30

    It's amazing the lengths that we go to on the internet to make people look bad and hit them with a few zingers...

    I'm not going to be dragged into this but I will say a few things...I have done deals with Trevor in the past and he is a class guy. Also it's easy to smart off on the internet...I guarantee you that when you were face to face with him, you wouldn't say that kind of stuff.
    Re: Problem with a new Stiller Tac 30

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: JCH</div><div class="ubbcode-body">It's amazing the lengths that we go to on the internet to make people look bad and hit them with a few zingers...

    I'm not going to be dragged into this but I will say a few things...I have done deals with Trevor in the past and he is a class guy. Also it's easy to smart off on the internet...I guarantee you that when you were face to face with him, you wouldn't say that kind of stuff. </div></div>

    exactly, my-o-my how big peoples wee wees get when it comes top talking s**t on the internet. im glad there isnt as much on this forum as most others but sometimes theres a few people who seem to be trying to help it catch up.

    i find it seriously comical. i equate it to the guys who get picked on and dont say a single word, and as soon as the guy leaves the room the say something to the effect of "if that guy woulda said one more thing i was gonna. . . ." yeah, sure you were, sit you big mouth having, little a** back down on your stool. if you didnt say it while he was standing here, you dont deserve to say it at all.

    im not trying to insite anything here, but wether you are that person or not, jumping all over someone on the INTERNET (f**cking seriously, its the internet, come on) kinda makes you look like one. take a chill pill and learn to pick your battles. . .