Re: Promethius 2 powder measure who sells them>?
For most tactical shooters, including working snipers and tactical match shooters, who need to hit the target on a first shot, loading ammo to the standard which the Prometheus is capable of is a complete waste of money.
It's a great gadget for square-range competitive shooters, who get sighters, because they can just adjust to the conditions that they're shooting in.
Which doesn't work for snipers and/or tactical match shooters, who get at most two shots, and mostly just one, at a target at a given range.
One of the things Denton Bramwell found was this:
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">5. If you’re not worried about a 3 degree F change in powder temperature, don’t worry about a tenth of a grain of powder more or less, in rifle cartridges similar to this one. Both produce about the same change in pressure and muzzle velocity.
Do many people know anything about the temperature response of their load?
Do any people know the temperature response of their load to 3 degrees, <span style="font-weight: bold">and</span> compensate their sight settings accordingly?
I suspect the number can be counted on the fingers of one hand. I've never met one.
And lots of powder measures will do a tenth of a grain or so, and it's easy to dump below that and trickle up to it, if you don't have one of those.
Except for square range NRA competition shooters, the Prometheus is snake oil, and very expensive snake oil at that.
But this is Sniper's Hide, the site for the serious tactical shooter.
The reference is here: