So I signed up for my first PRS match December 2nd at Rockcastle Shooting Center down in KY. Got a buddy that is shooting this regional series for points who is gonna go out with me and help me collect and confirm dope and give me some training tips. Being that we are less than a month away though I would like to do dry fire training. The thing is, everytime I’ve done a little dry fire, I feel like I’m missing the point? I try to focus on breathing, follow through, a slow but diliberate trigger pull, and bolt manipulation. Is this all I should be doing? I keep feeling like I’m missing something by not looking at a target. That is hard to do however when I’m trying to dry fire in my basement. So what exactly should I be focusing on? Any drills that mix it up from just laying on the ground clicking away? I’m super pumped for this match, and am fully prepared to take last, I just wanna do everything I can to prepare and do my best. Thanks for any advice!