Recon By Fire removed from PRS by Regional Directors

At least be a full fledged adult and included the MD you are trying to oust in the "unanimous" meeting PRS held that didn't include all of the regional MDs. Voting at that level should be public to the group managing the region. If you want the guy gone. Say/Vote to his face. Don't hide behind a secret meeting. As the organization gets larger and carries a wider spectrum of members this type of activity will not only be frowned upon but also illegal. This would fall into the category of Racketeering (A group of individuals that conspire and use deceptive practices and threats for profits). Having a private side meeting specifically aimed at removing a non present member from the group in order to increase power and profits among the remaining members. Roberts Rules exist for a reason.

Sounds like our House and Senate.

And all the others in DC.
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They settled it


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