Shoot the NRL22 match Saturday.
~ Not sure but Scott might need to run the course COF more along the lines of other PRS matches without much hiking.. I do not think he wants someone dropping to heat stroke..
Speaking of hot and off topic. Shot the
Tehama match Sunday, only
because some super guys really stepped up.
It was hot and it seems the field part was NOT used because of possible snakes and fire danger?
The snake was killed, but still moving.. didn't want to take a chance.
ChrisD's (inside joke) key is still somewhere out there!
Drove 4 hours to the match, carpooling with
@christopher.dow who lost his car keys out setting targets..
Totally stranded with
the only Keys, 4 hours South and no car dealers anywhere to help we were screwed.
Jason from Henderson Precision drove Chris to his house, another 45ish minutes North and
lent him a car (no rental car places open anywhere even close). So after diving up, Chris then drove home and got a spare key 4 hours away, then a quick turnaround to back to get back, drop off the loaner, then drive back 4 hours again to get "us" home.
Chris would not let me skip the match and keep him company, he selflessly did the drive alone so I could shoot; Jason stepped up saving us with his time and generosity.
If you have ever remotely considering shooting one of these types of matches, understand that the people putting these matches on and the people shooting them are by a HUGE percentage, amazingly giving, helpful salt of the earth people. It’s worth going just to be around and getting to know this type of people.