PSA: UNBEATABLE CCW package from Palmetto. Threaded 9mm Dagger Compact w/10 15-round mags and case for $389.99 UPDATE: NOW $459.99

Follow up on my issue with the stiff mag release.

I have a now easier mag release.

Left this on for about 30 hours.

build your own, provides a better trigger IMO


Mate it up to a fully complete serialized P80 lower


$263 plus tax and shipping
Just got back from the range shooting my new Rock 5.7. What a neat shooter, and really cool with the Spectre can on it! Hard to beat 23+1 of 5.7x28 at nearly no muzzle flip or recoil. If they come out with a compact version I may get some for my daughters for carry guns.

Edit to add:
And I hope they come out with their 57 pdw soon. That'll be a neat HD blaster and road trip gun..
Just recently found out that the head guy of DC Machine that machines all the PSA house brand barrels, frames, and receivers is rabidly anti-carry for the common man. Screw a firearms component manufacturer that has such a disdain for the common man being able to defend themselves.

I'll for sure never buy any PSA branded firearm because of this.
Just recently found out that the head guy of DC Machine that machines all the PSA house brand barrels, frames, and receivers is rabidly anti-carry for the common man. Screw a firearms component manufacturer that has such a disdain for the common man being able to defend themselves.

I'll for sure never buy any PSA branded firearm because of this.

oddly enough, everything I can find on PSA itself is the opposite.

source for the DC Machine info?
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yeah going to need to see some proof of anti carry on DC Machine
DC Machine co-owners are Brian Plaisance and Josh Ingram

I did a quick search
I could not find anything on political contributions or anti gun / anti carry statements
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PSA reportedly bought out DC Machine and Brian is no longer there. The general manager now there is named Matt and he is the one that is rabidly anti-carry for the common man.

Here's a screenshot of one of our local patriots that was just meeting a client in the parking lot of DC Machine. This guy is an open carrier everywhere he goes.
Screenshot 2024-05-19 214326.png