Gunsmithing Push feed bolt for FN (win 70)


Full Member
Mar 3, 2010
Farmington, NM
Asking if anyone knows of an aftermarket or modification to change a FN Herstal (win. Model 70) Patrol Bolt Rifle to a push feed instead of a control feed? My cousin is getting into PRS and being able to single feed rounds would a plus over the controlled feed set up he's running now. Thanks!!
Me either! But I thought I'd ask. I was wondering if anyone did an aftermarket like PTG does for 700's, that could be made to work. The controlled feed is great, but he's limited on mag options right now and the ability to single feed is what he wants.
I believe that all the new actions are more or less hybrids. While I have not shot a PBR, the 40 or so SPR's we had in our hands 7 years ago for the ASC FN match were built as a CRF hybrid. You certainly could single round feed by dropping one in the tube and closing the bolt with those rifles. There is no need for modifications. Even the M70 hunting rifles are this way, as my M70 extreme weather has the same feature. They beveled the bolt face in a way that allows the cartridge to snap in place. Drive on and focus efforts on more needed items.
You guys are ruining my chance at a good trade! My spr's and newer 70s don't give me any grief when I single feed them. I prefer the coned breech for single feeding anyway.
Thanks for the info gents! I'm not sure how old or new his action is but we've tried single feeding and it takes a lot of force and we've damaged two case rims doing it. He's looking at a replacement DBM that comes with a 5 and 10 round mag that should fit his needs. However, he's used to single feed systems and we wondered if there was a reasonable fix out there.
If it is damaging cases take the gun to a gunsmith that does lots of controlled feed 70 and mausers and have them grind the extractor a bit to reduce the damage. In the past 'smith would lightly anneal the tip of the extractor, but that is a much harder process to do with precision. I know or a great 'smith in MN for that type of work if that helps.