Re: Putting time and miney into a Remington 600?
I don't regard 600's as cheap, mainly as underrated and forgotten. Which is a shame, they are a great little rifle. There have been several posts about them lately on SH, one of which spurred me to get a .308 that had been languishing on the shelf of my local gun shop.
I am having some fun with it, but not looking for the kind of accuracy you are talking about. Mostly looking to see what I can do to make a small, light, rugged hunting rifle for short $. Kind of a low-budget Gunsite Ruger/Cooper Scout rifle.
So far, I picked up a cheap (and man is it cheap) Ramline stock. Splurged for bottom metal (not bottom plastic)
from Coquille Valley Machine Works and it's a nice piece. To make the two fit together, I turned up a new action screw, because the new stock/metal combo is deeper than the original wood stock. Some pix below.
I plan on putting a rail on it and a good hunting optic with good mounts. Good optics/mounts are the big must in my book.
I might have considered putting on a detachable mag conversion, but even if someone makes one for a 600, it's probably more than I want to spend for this. And I find the trigger on mine is very good.
I think with handloading, these 600's could be quite accurate. The action is smooth and solid. But to make a one-holer, you may need to rebarrel or spend a lot of time at the loading bench. Though I see no reason these shouldn't shoot under an inch at 100 with factory barrel and handloads.
PS. Don't worry about 'real shooters' opinions. I doubt anyone can even tell you what or who a real shooter is. In my book, anyone who contributes intelligently, offers good advice, and is a solid citizen in this community is a 'real shooter' regardless of what they shoot or do for a living. So have fun. Build what interests you and good luck w. this rifle. I think you are off to a great start!
Before picture w. a Ruger Gunsite for comparison
Turning up new stock screw
Finished screw, using Allen head as base.
Screw fitted. Other than screw length, the Cheap-o Ram Line stock fit like a glove.
Bottom metal and action fitted.
Action in stock. Ready for some mounts and other goodies. More to come... I'll next be attacking the stock w. a file to smooth the awful mold lines.