Black Friday Sale is up.
Ospreys and other prefits, as well as muzzle brakes.
We're keeping it a little more organized this year for speedier delivery with the short-staffed status in the shop.
There are no sale codes, I went through and modified the prices on every sale item to cut down on 'hey I forgot to enter the code, can you manually change my order" and the ever popular "your code doesn't work... oh wait, I typed it wrong" emails. Just click through and add to the cart.
Ospreys and other prefits, as well as muzzle brakes.
We're keeping it a little more organized this year for speedier delivery with the short-staffed status in the shop.
Black Friday 2022 Sales - Patriot Valley Arms

There are no sale codes, I went through and modified the prices on every sale item to cut down on 'hey I forgot to enter the code, can you manually change my order" and the ever popular "your code doesn't work... oh wait, I typed it wrong" emails. Just click through and add to the cart.