I always tell people, vote with your money bro. Walk past the NC Star scope dealers and Chinese made Japenese katana swords and Howdy Doody belt buckle collections and give your time to the guys who do right. Some customers are right to bitch. 95% of tables are Gun Stores/dealers who already have an internet presence (if they have any brains at all) and this is just them getting away from the wife for a few days.
If you weren't gonna buy their shit off gunbroker at 20% mark up online.....you sure as fuck weren't gonna when he's drove across the state and paid money to be there.
We had our biggest gun show of the year last weekend. It was moved from the biggest most modern arena in the state. To local fairgrounds. Turns the arena wanted to charge the Association heading the event $11,000 per day. And each dealer $89 per table (most have 2-5 tables). Show was still by far the biggest. But 500 tables didn't show up as a response.
It's a business like anything. The dealers will vote with their money too. This is how markets works.
You aren't going to fix it.
The internet killed gun shows just like it's killed so many other things. You shop from home for what you want. You research from home what things are averaging. You hunt through forums that have classified and comment sections dedicated to whatever niche thing your into. The consumer base has evolved.
Gun Shows are usually best served for finding oddities, rare items unknown potentially even to the dealer, or items you have to have hands on time to justify the risk of buying or the exorbitant price. Those items that just never show up in whatever podunk town we all live in.
Gun Shows still service the older crowd who have no desire or skills to fuck with the internet.....they quite literally are a dying breed. They are also often guys with systemic knowledge because they are the only ones still holding onto the things and have actually ran them. Your not gonna find a guy at Cabelas or Scheels who knows how to put this thing together from parts. But 6 old dudes with tables in a massive gun show will.
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You want to fund raise for your kids 4H.....thats laudable. And setting up a table at a gun show is not stupid. But you need to post radio ads, tag board ads in grocery stores, post in local area Facebook/Instagram/Twitter groups, get your local TV station to do a feature on your club. Things that get mass eyeballs with not that much effort.
Setting up an entire gun show just to promote 4H. Your effort I think could be better served doing other things for the eyeballs.
Perhaps you have your 4H shooters help RO shooting events. They can promote 4H. While the local PRS or 3 gun event gets your added manpower and the potential future competitors. In return, the event can hold a raffle to raise money or use a small portion of their entry fee to go back to your 4H club. Matches are always looking for help that doesn't require massive amounts of skill to operate.