PX rant: “Claim item in the ad, then PM” BS!

One day the PX will go away. It went away long, long, ago once Frank got fed up with all the B/S it birthed. I can foresee it making that same trip again, with snipped cords this next go round.

And yet, we still have this petty assed shit keep popping up.
Some of you are your own worse enemy.
Frank doesn't want to hear this shit and over the years has expressed so. I always voiced that I want to keep the PX but not anylonger.
Kill the PX Frank
Maybe these pussys will shut the fuck up
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And yet, we still have this petty assed shit keep popping up.
Some of you are your own worse enemy.
Frank doesn't want to hear this shit and over the years has expressed so. I always voiced that I want to keep the PX but not anylonger.
Kill the PX Frank
Maybe these pussys will shut the fuck up
Well, maybe that twice fired Lapua brass that’s being listed at 20% over retail for new isn’t such a good deal afterall.......Blows me away that It even sells, but, there seem to be plenty of noobs that jump all over it. :rolleyes:
Far be it for me to shit on a listing, but it sure is tempting.

There is a guy selling 5.56 bulk Federal @ $499 -1k
And I know Frank total got knee deep in a guys ass about gouging
I'm on the fence about gouging laws. After a particularly nasty hurricane, a fellow from "up-north" saw an opportunity. He rented a uhaul and bought all the generators he could find. Drove down to Florida and set up shop. IIRC he was selling at twice what he paid. People were lined up to buy. Someone (probably didn't have the cash) dropped a dime, cops came, shut him down and no one got a generator. If people were willing to pay his price, who is getting hurt?

Food, water, life essentials are a different story...but we all know they will go to the highest bidder when things reach a certain point.
And yet, we still have this petty assed shit keep popping up.
Some of you are your own worse enemy.
Frank doesn't want to hear this shit and over the years has expressed so. I always voiced that I want to keep the PX but not anylonger.
Kill the PX Frank
Maybe these pussys will shut the fuck up

Like it or not the PX here is one of the better ones and I am sure generates a lot of site traffic/membership. Nuke the PX, those things will surely go down.

Whether there is any positive gain from that traffic/membership or those are the kind of people you want to attract is another question.

This post stuck me more as a funny rant about online gun seller antics than an actual complaint looking for admin action.
Like it or not the PX here is one of the better ones and I am sure generates a lot of site traffic/membership. Nuke the PX, those things will surely go down.

Whether there is any positive gain from that traffic/membership or those are the kind of people you want to attract is another question.

This post stuck me more as a funny rant about online gun seller antics than an actual complaint looking for admin action.

frank dont want to hear it and has said so a million times, knock it off or the for sale section is done.
what the fuck is so hard to understand about it
This post stuck me more as a funny rant about online gun seller antics than an actual complaint looking for admin action.


And yet, we still have this petty assed shit keep popping up.
Some of you are your own worse enemy.
Frank doesn't want to hear this shit and over the years has expressed so. I always voiced that I want to keep the PX but not anylonger.
Kill the PX Frank
Maybe these pussys will shut the fuck up

Aww, somebody’s Mister Grumpy-pants today! ?

Notice I specifically stated I didn’t want/need help from Frank or a mod, I just wanted to vent and have some fun, which is why it’s in The Bear Pit (the Big Boy’s part of the site). If that ruffles your feathers too much, maybe you need to take a walk, get some fresh air, and take a break from the interwebs. :ROFLMAO:

If I reported a post for getting skunked or came in here crying that I needed an adult to hold my hand, things would be different. But I didn’t, so get off your high horse, bub.;)
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Do you have any more pictures so that when you send them and its exactly as described I can just not reply at all or then all of a sudden have money problems?
Holy crap. Happens to me a lot.
I almost don’t like dealing with new members. My very first one came through last week and bought a scope off me. They will even go so far as discuss price and payment and then.........never to be heard from again.
See? To the naysayers, there are numerous examples in this thread of guys posting sarcastic crap like the two posts above me. All us established guys know it’s just the price of using the PX, and that there’s nothing the Mods can do to stop the newbs from being idiots. This thread is just a good way to gripe a little, have some fun, and build a little camaraderie in sharing one another’s misery, that’s all I was looking for in starting this. ?
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Fed $0.49 per round at Midway.
Yeah I know
I also bought 15,000 of Federal LC that came in 20 round boxes last February that cost $225 a thousand
Your point?
So should I start selling off at Midways price?
I don't know if you seen the thread where Frank went apeshit over another guy doing the same thing
Hey if you want to make a few bucks and help another member out cool,but don't be a greedy fuck and try to capitalize while being a douche.
Me,well if we were in it deep up to our necks my ammo would be free
I'm on the fence about gouging laws. After a particularly nasty hurricane, a fellow from "up-north" saw an opportunity. He rented a uhaul and bought all the generators he could find. Drove down to Florida and set up shop. IIRC he was selling at twice what he paid. People were lined up to buy. Someone (probably didn't have the cash) dropped a dime, cops came, shut him down and no one got a generator. If people were willing to pay his price, who is getting hurt?

Food, water, life essentials are a different story...but we all know they will go to the highest bidder when things reach a certain point.
First off,if you live in Florida and do not have a generator thats on you.
FPL does a pretty good job but there does come a time where common sense applies.
I've been through a shit load of hurricanes starting with Andrew.
Anymore I'm usually not down there during the season but still have one for my caretaker, no AC in your home and the mold will.take over in short order

Plus I'm way over insured
First off,if you live in Florida and do not have a generator thats on you.
FPL does a pretty good job but there does come a time where common sense applies.
I've been through a shit load of hurricanes starting with Andrew.
Anymore I'm usually not down there during the season but still have one for my caretaker, no AC in your home and the mold will.take over in short order

Plus I'm way over insured

Didn't address the subject, but okay.
Selling on-line is like driving on an Interstate highway. You have a few good drivers, a few assholes and a bunch of people without a clue. The reading comprehension of the general public is pretty low. Common sense is not very common. If you think selling on-line is a hassle get a table at a gun show and sit back for the ride! Actually it was a fun weekend.
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I'm on the fence about gouging laws. After a particularly nasty hurricane, a fellow from "up-north" saw an opportunity. He rented a uhaul and bought all the generators he could find. Drove down to Florida and set up shop. IIRC he was selling at twice what he paid. People were lined up to buy. Someone (probably didn't have the cash) dropped a dime, cops came, shut him down and no one got a generator. If people were willing to pay his price, who is getting hurt?

Food, water, life essentials are a different story...but we all know they will go to the highest bidder when things reach a certain point.
I’ll bite. Capitalism isn’t some materialist philosophy where profits must come no matter what, and no matter how many people your product poisons or kills (Ala China). It is also not a barter system without rules or structure (a common misconception). Capitalism only works when there is a robust framework of laws and liabilities. Laws are necessarily moral judgements. They are a reflections of norms as well as aspirations. There is a balance. Typical supply/demand impulses that fuel a normal market are not in balance when people are desperate for real, physical reasons that have nothing to do with tulips.

There are few bright lines. It’s almost always a struggle between laissez-faire and strangling regulation. Most of us probably have a lot more confidence in the market than in a politician or bureaucrat who have morphed into professional grifters in modern American politics. It wasn’t always that way. We used to elect people from the body politic rather than from outside it. This is one reason why it’s so unusual to have a businessman as President, and why the professional thieves (including the media) are so invested in his failure.

In times of war, civil unrest, disaster, etc. the rules must necessarily change to accommodate the reality rather than the concept of perfect capitalism. The bright line is our rights, but rules of commerce aren’t rights. They need to be equitable and apply universally without picking and choosing the winners and losers (like communist Obamanomics), but they aren’t static. We have anti-trust laws for a reason, and all sorts of market regulation for a reason. Capitalism isn’t bait fish and sharks as practiced in socialist and communist countries. Predation is part of capitalism, but that vast majority of people believe that ought to be suspended in times of national duress.
Predation is part of capitalism, but that vast majority of people believe that ought to be suspended in times of national duress.

...and if we were a democracy...

If the government were serious about (so-called) gouging, either manufacturers, distributors or retailers of ammo would be facing charges as we type. If the average person knew the markup on most products they buy, we would hear constant screams of gouging...not just during a crisis.

And so you know, I'm not arguing ethics, just business. How many here swore off Cheaper Than Dirt after the last ammo/reloading component shortfall? How many have forgotten?
This shit is normal in all retail sales. It's not limited to this site's PX or the internet in general. People suck. If you can't handle that, don't sell your shit to people. Otherwise it's exactly like anything else in life.

Personally I've had mostly great experiences selling and buying here and other places. Don't take ANYTHING personal. Conduct yourself professionally, you can only control what you do, not anyone else, so control what you can control. And there's no such thing as a done deal until either the money or product is in your hands.
When I first joined up, I bought & sold stuff here (aside from firearms) in about 1-2 PMs worth.

Paypal wasn't so common; so cash/personal check was sent at the same time goods were shipped out.

Never had a bad transaction.

The couple minor transactions I've had here this past month were equally painless.