as above. very little use 18-21 " bbl,1/8,vg trigger,your word on demonstrated accuracy,smooth action a +. i really don't like chassis guns-depends on the deal. has a semi wide forend called shillouette,varmit,it varies with maker barrel contour/weight same. has a rail or easy to find one.synthetic or wood. pillars a big plus. not looking for a "bench rest" gun. the best options are tikka t3x varmit or super varmit. those are totally gone nationwide. i have looked and called everywhere. actually my firrst choice would be a howa 1500 mini. they don't exist either. a buy wouldn't happen quick. i have several things to move before MC is feed. so just starting to look in my search for something that can replace higher end 22lr and 308 in my world. budget would be about $1500 OTD max.