Question about 541T as rimfire trainer..


Full Member
Jul 28, 2009
Near Albany, NY, USA
Thanks all in advance guys...I did try the search and nothing comes up.
I want to build up a 22 rimfire as a trainer/shooter type of rifle.Wanted to get a 40x but they are VERY pricey, probably because of the demand for them and older rifles in general.What I have come across is an older but mint 541T heavy barrel that I can get a pretty good deal on.I'm just not sure how these are for it accurate? Could I get say, a Manners stock for it? Is it a decent action or is it a cheap action compared to a 40X? Thanks all in advance guys...
Re: Question about 541T as rimfire trainer..

I have a 541T that has been bedded and a second action screw added that shoots very tiny groups at both 50 and 100 yds. Action is smaller than a 40X, so you don't have as many stock options. Are good shooters, but if you want the look and feel of a 700 action as a trainer, keep saving for the 40x. If you don't mind the fewer stock options, they are good shooting rifles (well, at least mine is). And I know a few other people who like theirs too.
Re: Question about 541T as rimfire trainer..

I love my 541T. With the right ammo it will shoot with most anything. Never looked into a different stock for her (always liked the original anyway). I did bed it and adjust the factory trigger. Slow barrel being so long so it will not like cold weather.
Re: Question about 541T as rimfire trainer..

I have one, great accurate rifle. Some are known or thought to have first round flyers. Mine might. As far as trainers go, probably not the best choice. 5 rd mags work only okay and the 10 rders are crap. Better choice would be savage, ruger, cz or 40x. (you pay more up front but its still worth more)

Personally I would get the SS savage with the thumb hole.

By the way, a good deal on a 541THB is, without glass, 450-500. I paid 650 with glass and shipping. If your in that range and its mint buy it anyway.
Best regards
Re: Question about 541T as rimfire trainer..

Well, I've decided to go with the Remmy 541T and this way I'll have enough left in the budget for stock and glass.Contacted Manners and was told if I send him the action he can get me fit into a stock.I'll be sending the bolt off to get a tactical handle on it, and adding some nice glass on it...most likely Loopy.I'll post pics when it's done.Thanks everyone for the advice!