Ok so I've miled a target using the height of the target on the left (sheet of paper 8.5"x11") and I was in the range of 92 yards. This is the SWFA SS 5-20x50 - Reticle subtensions here: http://www.opticstalk.com/uploads/298/5-20Reticle.jpg
I pulled up my photo in photoshop and measured using the measuring tool (I know the boxes are 1" and that works out to about 50 pixels per inch)
The actual 8" target measures to around 7.35" in photoshop - approximately 92% scale of the target.
Would a percentage scale also be accurate using a photoshop measuring tool? It appears as it is.
Here is the target I've been working on.
IMG_8188 by kaptain86, on Flickr
Can someone else mil this target and see how close I am?
I pulled up my photo in photoshop and measured using the measuring tool (I know the boxes are 1" and that works out to about 50 pixels per inch)
The actual 8" target measures to around 7.35" in photoshop - approximately 92% scale of the target.
Would a percentage scale also be accurate using a photoshop measuring tool? It appears as it is.
Here is the target I've been working on.
IMG_8188 by kaptain86, on Flickr
Can someone else mil this target and see how close I am?