Question For All of You Gold and Silver Bugs


Sergeant of the Hide
Full Member
Feb 7, 2021
So I've been looking at a lot of the buzz surrounding gold and silver and have found a lot of hype, depending on what you read and see in various media platforms. I agree that there is something brewing out there with all of the geopolitical, economic, and whackadoodle uncertainty in the world.

My guess is that we are headed to a cbdc in the 3-5 yr time span and I want to looking into the PM's as a way to diversify. My question is this................What if the PM's to go to astronomical levels, say gold at $4k/ozt and silver at $100/ozt? What is the exit strategy? At those levels, who will be buying back the PM's? I see local coin shops closing as they will not have the capital to buy all of that stuff back.

My understanding is that the refiners have the final say in how much metal they will accept from PM wholesalers. They, in turn, accept the PM's from the coin shops for a premium. Correct me if any of this is wrong. I'm, just trying to get insights from those of you in the know.

Some say that barter is the answer, but I notice that those espousing this idea are usually the PM dealers and shops, so they are more than willing to accept your fiat dollars for AG and AU, but won't guarantee buying it back from you. For barter to occur you need to have at least two parties willing to exchange.

So how do you see this type of scenario playing out? I can see some plus, but a lot of minus at this point.