On private property in Florida, any legal firearm can be used FOR HOGS. No magazine limits either. If your suppressor and SBR are legally owned, they are OK to use. Lights at night, night vision and thermal are fine too. WMA's have their own rules on firearms, hours of hunting and require a hunting license. No suppressors on deer, and a five round limit for deer.
I live in Florida and have hog hunted, but have not gotten one. I hunt at night using thermal and night vision.
"On private property with landowner permission, wild pigs may be trapped and hunted year round using any legal to own rifle, shotgun, crossbow, bow or pistol. There is no size or bag limit, and you may harvest either sex. Also, no hunting license is required. A gun and light at night permit is not required to take wild hogs with a gun and light on private lands with landowner permission."