Re: RAGE BROADHEADS !!!! What stories do you have????
I hit on a doe at 30 yards a couple of weeks ago with the rage 2. The Rage busted the first entry side rib, but bounced off the rib cage on the other side of her. As far as vitals, it only took out one lung. She ran about 60 yards and stood for almost 10 minutes before bedding down in a bean field. I gave her two hours, and thought for sure she was dead where she bedded down. Two hours later I found her 100 yards away from where I last saw her. There was a very small blood trail, and thank God for tracer nocks bc it helped me get on the right path when I found the blinking arrow. While waiting for the doe to die, I also killed a coyote at 20 yards. I hit him right between his shoulder blades, effectively severing his back in half but still did not get a pass-thru. And somehow...the bastard managed to bite my arrow and snap it in half just before it died! I'm still trying to figure that one out.. I know this subject has been kicked around forever, but I don't think the Rage will be in my quiver anymore simply because I like to get pass-thrus when I shoot deer. I'm running 60 lbs of KE, and with my slick tricks I'm confident I would have accomplished that. I know it works for some people, and it did kill what I shot with it, but when it wouldn't pass thru a 40 lb coyote that convinced me to stick with the slick tricks...
cbosshog79, yes the Rage can be a pain with it opening all the time, but there are quick fixes. One is to buy new O-rings from a hardware store. Sometimes the ones they are packaged with dry out and don't secure the blades like they should. The easiest solution is to buy the small rubber bands that people use when they visit the orthodontist and have braces. Simply place the rubber bands in the center of the broadhead so that it's squeezing the blades together. It works great, and does not adversely affect arrow flight or blade deployment. Hope this helps