I finally had a day to work back to 1000 yards with the new SPS. I couldn't have asked for a better day. It was 72 degrees, sunny, 5-10 mph breeze blowing from 3:00, and moderate relative humidity. I didn't have good data past 450, so I worked my way out gathering data along the way. I found the JBM chart I had printed was a great guide all the way out, I only needed a one click elevation correction at all ranges. I brought one of my co-workers with and we took turns at each distance gathering data. Once we got close to dialed in at 1000 yds I managed about a six inch group which was centered approx. 14" above center while shooting prone supported. Drop was 12.9 mil @ 1000 yards. Now I've got some good baseline data to work off of. Now to keep collecting data in different conditions while I buckle down for some serious practice. All in all, a good day at the range.