RBG is dropping fast........

I saw the news in which Pelosi said that Trump was guilty of bribery. She might be getting close to calling for a vote for impeachment, even though she knows she doesn't have the votes - now.

It's my theory that she made the bribery accusation to see if it would grow legs and more people would call for impeachment. Also notice that she did that right after it was announced that Ruth Buzzy Ginsburg was not at the bench due to illness.

They want to impeach him and have him tried by the Senate before RBG meets the Supreme Judge of the Universe. One will wonder what she will say to him about all the babies that were killed cause she favored abortion.

This would be the worst nightmare for the Demonrats right now. RBG assumes room temperature and DJT gets to nominate another conservative Justice.

Does anyone here think I'm reading to much into the possibility that the Demonrats and the other leftists will start a civil war before the elections in 2020 if he gets to appoint another Justice?
can you please expound on what you mean by a Civil War? These are progressives you are referring to correct? What are they going to do break out a box of dildos and threaten to beat us over the head? I guess I'm not able to answer your question as accurately as I'd like unless you go a little deeper and define exactly what you envision happening. Progressives have what I like to call "big mouth small balls syndrome". They talk a lot of shit about resisting etc., but when push comes to actual shove they will fold like a Lawn chair in a tornado
can you please expound on what you mean by a Civil War? These are progressives you are referring to correct? What are they going to do break out a box of dildos and threaten to beat us over the head? I guess I'm not able to answer your question as accurately as I'd like unless you go a little deeper and define exactly what you envision happening. Progressives have what I like to call "big mouth small balls syndrome". They talk a lot of shit about resisting etc., but when push comes to actual shove they will fold like a Lawn chair in a tornado

You are correct that some of the progressives are all talk and no action. On the other hand, they would be glad to incite others to action.

Maxine Waters, for example, was only to glad to encourage attacks on conservatives. It's people like her that encourage the violence and are only too glad to watch and eat their popcorn.

The ANTIFAs and other leftists groups are emboldened by the fact that the cops, for the most part, don't do anything whenever they attack anyone opposing their agenda or point of view.

Those are the groups that I refer to. The progressives in the political ranks incite others to throw rocks, bombs, knife or shoot conservatives.
You are correct that some of the progressives are all talk and no action. On the other hand, they would be glad to incite others to action.

Maxine Waters, for example, was only to glad to encourage attacks on conservatives. It's people like her that encourage the violence and are only too glad to watch and eat their popcorn.

The ANTIFAs and other leftists groups are emboldened by the fact that the cops, for the most part, don't do anything whenever they attack anyone opposing their agenda or point of view.

Those are the groups that I refer to. The progressives in the political ranks incite others to throw rocks, bombs, knife or shoot conservatives.
Oh sure I think there could/would be protests. A civil war? No I don't see that.
There is this mantra the Democrats seem to have adopted that they cannot do wrong, that any excess is acceptable as long as it's them doing it, and that their Antifa/Brown Shirts are the most preferable agents of change in America.

They're pretty much bug fuck crazy, but do they suffer for this? No.

This country isn't fucked quite yet; but it's trying to be really hard.

Every pendulum reverses itself. Always. The farther it swings one way, the same distance gets reached in the opposite direction.

I'm not afraid of civil war. It what's actually coming that scares me, and it's gonna make civil war look like a back fence cat fight.

The harder the push, the harder the pushback. Period. You can only push an honest man so far, and they're already pushing that honest man far further than that.

I keep coming to this thread with each new post, hoping and praying it's the news we've all been waiting for. But, I just keep getting disappointed.

There is this mantra the Democrats seem to have adopted that they cannot do wrong, that any excess is acceptable as long as it's them doing it, and that their Antifa/Brown Shirts are the most preferable agents of change in America.

They're pretty much bug fuck crazy, but do they suffer for this? No.

This country isn't fucked quite yet; but it's trying to be really hard.

Every pendulum reverses itself. Always. The farther it swings one way, the same distance gets reached in the opposite direction.

I'm not afraid of civil war. It what's actually coming that scares me, and it's gonna make civil war look like a back fence cat fight.

The harder the push, the harder the pushback. Period. You can only push an honest man so far, and they're already pushing that honest man far further than that.


What’s coming that you are so worried about that’s worse than a CW2?
Worse than CW2...?

Scenario; Lefts get a widespread armed civil unrest going, and outside influences take advantage of it to invade and stir up the hornets' nest a whole lot more, probably under the auspices of our great pals at the UN.

For example: Chinese come ashore on the Left coast where they are welcomed as the Socialist Saviors. Russians employ flyover tactics spreading joy and ordnance in a strategic distribution that emphasizes neutralizing Right centers of power. Islamic Republican Guard sleeper cells out of Iran who have been infiltrating though the Southern border for probably at least a decade already awaken and use the surprise element to kill everything with a heartbeat, including your puppies, using everything from AK's to WMD's.

Your failure is simply a failure of imagination. Welcome to the Bear Pit. Given time, I believe your contributions may even become credible.

...Or..., say it isn't so, Joe...

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Worse than CW2...?

Scenario; Lefts get a widespread armed civil unrest going, and outside influences take advantage of it to invade and stir up the hornets' nest a whole lot more, probably under the auspices of our great pals at the UN.

For example: Chinese come ashore on the Left coast where they are welcomed as the Socialist Saviors. Russians employ flyover tactics spreading joy and ordnance in a strategic distribution that emphasizes neutralizing Right centers of power. Islamic Republican Guard sleeper cells out of Iran who have been infiltrating though the Southern border for probably at least a decade already awaken and use the surprise element to kill everything with a heartbeat, including your puppies, using everything from AK's to WMD's.

Your failure is simply a failure of imagination. Welcome to the Bear Pit. Given time, I believe your contributions may even become credible.

...Or..., say it isn't so, Joe...


That’s precisely why we need “a rifle behind every blade of grass.”
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I watch some of that C-Span stuff and once in a while they will show the Supreme Court.
When I watched that, Old Ruth was nodding off, couldn't have been listening, as she was counting out some ZZZZs.

At that point I was wishing she was held as accountable to listening as I was when in Basic Training.

When that fucking Drill Sgt. grabbed your sleepy ass by the ear and you were taken to the nearest wall and made to stand there, face the speaker, and don't lean on that wall, and you listened because sleep doesn't seem too good when you are standing and you don't want the General Public's Boot up your ASS.

I watched for that and it never came.

Isn't someone in charge of keeping the Judges awake?
I know a Sgt. that would keep them awake and they would not forget what they were talking about.

If you can't stay awake, we don't need YOU, and go to the Goon Platoon where your discharge papers are ready. You don't need to sign anything, YOU are gone.
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I watch some of that C-Span stuff and once in a while they will show the Supreme Court.
When I watched that, Old Ruth was nodding off, couldn't have been listening, as she was counting out some ZZZZs.

At that point I was wishing she was held as accountable to listening as I was when in Basic Training.

When that fucking Drill Sgt. grabbed your sleepy ass by the ear and you were taken to the nearest wall and made to stand there, face the speaker, and don't lean on that wall, and you listened because sleep doesn't seem too good when you are standing and you don't want the General Public's Boot up your ASS.

I watched for that and it never came.

Isn't someone in charge of keeping the Judges awake?
I know a Sgt. that would keep them awake and they would not forget what they were talking about.

If you can't stay awake, we don't need YOU, and go to the Goon Platoon where your discharge papers are ready. You don't need to sign anything, YOU are gone.
Cameras aren't allowed in the supreme court during oral arguments.
I watch some of that C-Span stuff and once in a while they will show the Supreme Court.
When I watched that, Old Ruth was nodding off, couldn't have been listening, as she was counting out some ZZZZs.

At that point I was wishing she was held as accountable to listening as I was when in Basic Training.

When that fucking Drill Sgt. grabbed your sleepy ass by the ear and you were taken to the nearest wall and made to stand there, face the speaker, and don't lean on that wall, and you listened because sleep doesn't seem too good when you are standing and you don't want the General Public's Boot up your ASS.

I watched for that and it never came.

Isn't someone in charge of keeping the Judges awake?
I know a Sgt. that would keep them awake and they would not forget what they were talking about.

If you can't stay awake, we don't need YOU, and go to the Goon Platoon where your discharge papers are ready. You don't need to sign anything, YOU are gone.

Leftists like her already have their minds made up. No need staying awake listening to facts.
They go in three's....

My Christmas wish is that we lose Jimmy Carter, Patrick Leahy and RBG to... old age, cancer, uselessness and... whatever. I don't care. Please let me piss on all their graves before New Years!

Saw Leahy recently. The guy is so incomptent and drooling that he doesn't even know his name and is probably pissing himself four times a day. But his staff is running him and as long as his heart is beating, and he has enough synapses firing to insert his card in the "Yes/No" slot... he is valuable to the Communists.

Please... you can leave us with Keith Richards, Betty White and Queen Elizabeth. They are like iconic cool folks who don't screw America with their every breath!

Just let us piss on the graves of JC, PL and RBG soon! Maybe, once it's all over, instead of a Party at Tucker's House we should rent a tour bus and visit the stones?


cherokeefan, we don't need a camera, WE need a Sgt. of Arms, or whoever keeps them awake, with a Case of the Ass and a hangover, making sure ALL of those jackoffs are paying attention.

They have such a person there, I think, but I don't know their title
WE need for that person to do their job. maybe a Bailiff ??? Keep them all awake and haul out the corpses as needed.
There is no law that prevents an appointee in an election year. Just an informal rule. If I were Trump, I would tell the Democrats to suck my dick and get the appointees moving....

I would have the appointee out an hour after the cunt died

I suspect that Trump already has his list of candidates ready. I doubt there would be more than a week between RGB passing, and Trump calling people on his list to ask them if they would be interested in the position. Chances are pretty good that there have already been some informal "discussions" with his top picks.
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I suspect that Trump already has his list of candidates ready. I doubt there would be more than a week between RGB passing, and Trump calling people on his list to ask them if they would be interested in the position. Chances are pretty good that there have already been some informal "discussions" with his top picks.

He's probably got Amy Coney Barrett lined up and ready to go. It will be very hard for the demonrats to argue against a female judge who is replacing another female judge.
*shrug* we are reaching levels of division to the point where it sure feels like we’re in a cold civil war(not a civil war in a classic sense), where just one little thing could ignite it.
I think we have been losing traction in this country ever since Obama took office, This is when I feel that all this "division" has started to take place. You got all the "ME TOO" movements, LGBTQXYZ123 coming out shit happening, now you have the 101 gender thing going on, Millennial's coming of age and wanting free shit, and we also have too many "liberals" in this country, F'n things up. Now we're all so pissed, we are hoping certain people die. What's wrong with that picture? As a country, we are very divided and I have never in my lifetime, seen it like this. Just F'n sad. I really hope WE, the people, can fix this shit hole, before it burns down. Mac
cherokeefan, we don't need a camera, WE need a Sgt. of Arms, or whoever keeps them awake, with a Case of the Ass and a hangover, making sure ALL of those jackoffs are paying attention.

They have such a person there, I think, but I don't know their title
WE need for that person to do their job. maybe a Bailiff ??? Keep them all awake and haul out the corpses as needed.
My point was mainly asking how you watched Supreme Court arguments on Cspan.
Here’s some information about her government funded naps. Some of these are old articles. Which underscores the sleep subject even more today. If she was napping on the bench more than a decade ago then even with her eyes open is she mentally cognizant of her surroundings now? Uh...no.




This is a lengthy article but one which reveals how panic stricken the left is over her departure during the Trump administration. Did you know that falls are the leading cause of death for the very elderly? It’s no wonder the leftists cringe every time she goes up or down steps. Even though it’s from a liberal perspective you have to read this article. It will put a smile on your face.

I suspect that Trump already has his list of candidates ready. I doubt there would be more than a week between RGB passing, and Trump calling people on his list to ask them if they would be interested in the position. Chances are pretty good that there have already been some informal "discussions" with his top picks.
Most of the people on that list watched what they did to Kavenaugh. It was a warning shot by the communists to anyone else that may think of accepting the nomination.

He's probably got Amy Coney Barrett lined up and ready to go. It will be very hard for the demonrats to argue against a female judge who is replacing another female judge.

Bwaahaha. Have you not paid attention to what has been going on for the last couple years?
Only communist, leftist liberal POS' get a pass. Female conservatives are not a safe species.
Trump made a list, before he was elected, of the judges he would nominate. You can bet that list and a few others have had their lives examined by the communists.
There will be no mercy for anyone Trump nominates.
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Can someone visit her to pay respects and accidentally step on air hose?

Maybe send her a nice salad made with 'romaine lettuce?'

Please... let it be this time!

The theory is that Johns Hopkins has the best facilities for thawing out the corpse and faking the autopsy...

They've been saving this distraction. And with the failure of Schiff and the upcoming Horowitz Report, this will change the narrative and distract from the info drop.

Right, wrong? Who cares. As long as she is flypaper soon!


RGB drops, the Senate holds their "trial", Trump takes a victory lap, appoints a new SCJ .........and ALL hell breaks loose.

Maybe we need a thread with flash cards for "Friends" and "Foes"...lol
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