Re: rcbs chargemaster 1500 vs lyman 1200
First off, let me preface this with saying I have no experience with the Chargemaster scale. I do own an RCBS 750 electronic scale, which isn't the same.
I do, on the other hand, own a Lyman 1200 DPS 3, and it has been a PITA since the day I took it out of the box. It is extremely sensitive to static electricity, and has a propensity for the zero to wander as much as a couple of tenths to 10gr or more. Occasionally, I have been fortunate enough to get the scale to remain zeroed, but it still isn't quite on. What I mean is, it will generally throw 0.1-0.2gr more than the input weight. So, if you want 24.5gr thrown, you'd better enter 24.3 or it will be off just about everytime. Now, the scale is accurate, and will read the weight correctly. Its just the dispenser drops .1-.2gr too much at times, and you must take this into consideration.
I have been in contact with Lyman customer service, and have tried every recommendation and trick they have suggested. Some fixes work temporarily, but nothing has been a cure all. To say it has been frustrating is an understatement, and the unit is currently at Lyman being checked on.
If I had it to do again, I would avoid it all together. I've found I can use Lee dippers and a powder trickler almost as fast, without the warm up period, and without the aggrivation. In fact, outside of working up loads for a round robin or OCW, the dispenser is borderline useless for me.