RCBS Discount Post Hodgdon Acquisition


Feb 3, 2021
Has anyone signed back up for the Military VIP discount at RCBS since the Hodgdon acquisition?

I signed back up for the Student VIP program but I can't find a single item that's discounted anymore. Previously I could get Matchmaster die sets for $89 and they're full price now. I contacted support and they basically told me they changed discounts after they split from Vista Outdoors. I was just curious if the same applies to the Military VIP program.
Store no longer available on Expert Voice. Not that the prices were THAT much better to begin with.
I was seeing discounts of sometimes up to 50% on things previously. That was on the high side and not everything had a discounted but for a lot of items it was definitely cheaper than I could find anywhere else.
I was on the RCBS discount program and all my dies and bushings were from that program. I all of a sudden can’t even log in anymore, and emails have gone unanswered.

Looks like hodgdon is going to nix the program if this is any indication. It would be nice to get some sort of communication to the web form requests I’ve sent.

Guess I can always switch to LE Wilson and Whidden.
And frankly, RCBS does aren’t worth over 100 bucks. They’re worth the discounted price but that’s it. You’re better off customer service wise and quality wise goin to LE Wilson or Whidden.