Reaper Tactical Hunting Vest (THV) | Reaper Outdoors
Has anyone used one of these, or gotten their hands on one of these before? I was catching up on my youtube channels last night and caught Reapers Aoudad / Hog hunt and then saw their "THV". Now for me, I get it, and I agree with it. I use a "tacticool" chest rig for hunting because it keeps everything "RIGHT THERE". Right now, I dont really need another solution because im beginning to really dig the setup I have which is just a "condor recon chest rig" in sexycam and a box of .308, radio, and bino's will fit in the pouches which works for me. Im asking more or less because I like to try and stay "in the know" on gear, and nylon as im kind of a whore for the stuff. For this particular rig, I think I like it mainly because it comes as a system instead of having to purchase pouches individually.
Has anyone used one of these, or gotten their hands on one of these before? I was catching up on my youtube channels last night and caught Reapers Aoudad / Hog hunt and then saw their "THV". Now for me, I get it, and I agree with it. I use a "tacticool" chest rig for hunting because it keeps everything "RIGHT THERE". Right now, I dont really need another solution because im beginning to really dig the setup I have which is just a "condor recon chest rig" in sexycam and a box of .308, radio, and bino's will fit in the pouches which works for me. Im asking more or less because I like to try and stay "in the know" on gear, and nylon as im kind of a whore for the stuff. For this particular rig, I think I like it mainly because it comes as a system instead of having to purchase pouches individually.