Rechamber 300win mag to 300prc?

I don’t think you could simply rechamber it for a PRC. I think the WM has a longer shoulder length than the PRC. Do you load for the WM? I’m getting 2860 out of mine with the 225 ELDM and I think I could get a little more if I wanted. If you want to simply rechamber your rifle you could probably try the 300 RUM.

I haven’t ever heard of a +P rifle cartridge.

For the couple hundred in a barrel blank why not get a new barrel. The smith is going to charge you to chamber it regardless of what direction you go. I wouldnt screw with the win mag barrel. Get a new one. Keep the win mag barrel as a backup barrel if you ever needed or wanted to spin it back on.

Does your chassis take CIP length mags? That's a better question before you start down this journey.

I would go Sherman mag before doing that throat mod the Shawn guy from Long Range Hunting said he designed. It's still a standard chamber but he says it's a step in the throat to reduce peak pressure.. never heard of anyone running this +p personally.. but try it out and let us know how it goes.
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Interesting video and concept. The name is a little confusing especially considering how it’s used differently in handgun cartridges. You’d have to be careful those rounds didn’t find their way into another rifle that wasn’t modified.