Two observations:
1) Most people (not necessarily here) stay the religion that they were born into. They never seriously consider it.
2) A lot of people seriously dislike people not of their religion based only on belief not behavior (Christian, Catholic, Evangelical, Jewish--I'll leave out Muslims only to avoid a distraction from the concept).
Any thoughts?
Rule #5 on Sniper's Hide rules:
Religious posts of any kind are frowned upon. This site is not for the discussion of one's faith as we feel that is a private matter best left off the forum. Attacking a member due to their political, religious, or sexual orientation will be grounds for removal without a warning.
1) Most people (not necessarily here) stay the religion that they were born into. They never seriously consider it.
2) A lot of people seriously dislike people not of their religion based only on belief not behavior (Christian, Catholic, Evangelical, Jewish--I'll leave out Muslims only to avoid a distraction from the concept).
Any thoughts?
Rule #5 on Sniper's Hide rules:
Religious posts of any kind are frowned upon. This site is not for the discussion of one's faith as we feel that is a private matter best left off the forum. Attacking a member due to their political, religious, or sexual orientation will be grounds for removal without a warning.