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I was under the belief that the magog invasion is what kicks off the tribulation? Or rather, one of the main pinnacle events leading up to it. The Pslam 83 war seems to have already seen completion with the destruction of Damascucs. Though, I know not if Demascus has been destroyed in entirety?
But, what do you have to support the Magog invasion comes AFTER the millennial reign of Jesus Christ? It reads as though it happens before the S really HTF during Jacobs Troubles and tribulation.
Teach me, brother. Im curious. Cheers!
The is a whole bunch out of order on that chart and it's based on some folks that taught false doctrines.
Here is the basic rundown.
Really Bad times happen
World calls out for a Saviour
False Messiah appears and promises salvation and deliverance
Most of the world makes a 7 year pact with the false messiah
First 3.5 Years of the 7 year pact things well are not great
After the first 3.5 years the False Messiah takes the mask off in full and demands to be worshiped as God
Next 3.5 years are a time of terrible suffering and great tribulation and great persecution. Worse than ever before in history.
AFTER the 7 years, Jesus Christ returns and the Saints and the Dead in Christ are resurrected and taken to be with Jesus.
Concurrently the Saints enjoy the Marriage Supper of the Lamb while the wicked world is punished by the Wrath of God
Then comes the battle of Armageddon
The battle of Armageddon is ended when Jesus Christ and the Saints return to put an end to the rule of humans on Earth
Then begins the 1000 years of the Millenium when the Saints and Jesus Christ rule over the Earth
Then Satan is loosed for the last time to deceive the nations and give everyone their final choice.
Then comes the battle of Gog and Magog when Satan and his forces try to fight Jesus Christ and the Saints.
Then comes the time when the Earth is melted away and cleansed and made new again.
Then comes the final judgment where all are finally brought to the judgement seat and assigned their place in either one of the Kingdoms of Glory or into outer darkness.
Then begins the next part of Eternity.