I’m new to reloading haven’t even started yet. I have boxes full of reloading equipment I got from my uncle. I don’t have any idea how to use it. I started going through everything and only have one die for .308. What brand or die set do you recommend?
My goal is to make what I already shoot. Federal premium gold 168 grain Sierra bthp. I don’t know where to start. I have a Lyman press. I need powder, bullets, and primers. Along with dies.
There is a company near me that will reload me what I need if I bring my brass for $1.00 a round. Is it worth me trying to do it myself or just having them do it? They are very good they do my 9mm for USPSA
My goal is to make what I already shoot. Federal premium gold 168 grain Sierra bthp. I don’t know where to start. I have a Lyman press. I need powder, bullets, and primers. Along with dies.
There is a company near me that will reload me what I need if I bring my brass for $1.00 a round. Is it worth me trying to do it myself or just having them do it? They are very good they do my 9mm for USPSA