Look under my profile, I started a thread about this a while back and got some good answers. I have a lot of irons in the fire and along with a Dillon 650 a .50BMG setup is in the works too. Now I have the DTA HTI (which would warrant only a single stage press IMHO, as your barrel won't last long enough to make full use of the turret press). But I plan on getting an M2 for shits and giggles with a few spare barrels (everyone needs ONE fun gun, no?). That one does warrant the turret and a linker too. If you're gonna be blasting shit with that M82 the turret may pay off, but if you're gonna work each shot then the single stage may do it for you just fine. I think considering how tough these presses are, how well built, the turret will yield just as good of ammo as the single stage in this instance. Especially if you micro manage your weights and charges.
I've heard the same about RCBS dies --shit. Their single stage press is supposed to be fine though, but there are better there too (though costly). Well, I heard their dies are "okay" for use loading blaster ammo. CH4 and I think is one of the better ones and there's another good die maker that focuses on BMG stuff too (I can't recall --when I get ready to buy I'll look up my thread again). Expect a few hundred per die, expect about $700 if you want a carbide sizing die. They ain't cheap. There's even a dedicated die for priming. Look for folks getting out of .50 --sometimes great deals can be had from them and I've saved hundreds already this way on this site alone in components.
Oh, there is a very fine single stage (co-ax type?) press that isn't in production anymore, if you can find it (I forget the name, it's mentioned in my thread) and all the BMG guys fawn over it, used and in need of repair or not. It's supposedly that good. You do want a good press though, an easy one, because if you've ever even loaded .50 Beowulf on a regular single stage Rock Chucker or whatnot, you'll know that bigger brass is much harder to work without some kind of assisted leverage. BMG I can imagine is only worse.
But for me it came down to RCBS press for single stage and Dillon for turret, and good dies regardless but no carbide (for now anyway). Splurge on the Dillon trimmer, at least that's my solution.
Dillon makes an auto trimmer that fits their press similar to the 650/1050 that should make short work of the BMG brass and you have to figure out a way to trim it anyway. I've had a hard time finding a GOOD trimmer that would be both fast and capable of handling various brass (I wanted a good and fast drill press trimmer, one I didn't have to design or make myself). What I'm likely gonna do regarding trimming is to just get a Dillon trimmer for the 650 and another for the .50. It'll do what I want and fast.
Welcome to the BMG club. While you're get dollared to death over every little iota, you'll find that components and powder are cheaper for the .50 due to supply and demand. Lots of good stuff to choose from when loading .50. Only bad thing is barrels don't last long in 'em... Which is something to consider when planning loads for long term in any weapon.
I've been stocking up on LC. Color me masochistic, but I like the stability/thickness of that brass over just about any other. Yes, pretty much all LC one shot brass is a bitch to work with, regardless of caliber. I'm hoping, however, that my RCBS trim station with the BMG pocket trimmer will work the same magic it does on the rest. Good luck. Loading BMG ain't cheap but likely a helluva lot cheaper than purchasing ammo over the long run and you get LOTS of options regarding bullets.