As a comparison with the average SH shooter, I shoot cheap rifles, and use cheap(er) optics, then fill in what little I can with load development and marksmanship diligence. It's not world class, but it doesn't have to be, either.
There's a definite movement here to spend money and chase the bleeding edge of the top tier stuff. IMHO, that's a great thing, and more power to those who do; your demands drive the technology, and IMHO, nobody drives rifle technology better or harder than the bunch at SH does. I'm proud to be an SH forum contributor, even if my key contributing days are mostly behind me, if there ever were any in the first place.
As far as reloading goes, I've been doing handloading most days since this lockdown has ensued, and I've practically got homespun fodder coming outta my ears. Since my years are up there; I see them as something of a legacy, or a contingency should such need arise.
I'm doing some divesting. My 7.62x39 rifles and ammo are being donated to the local VFW to be the basis for a gun raffle. The Post is wobbly right now; being shut down over Covid exposures and illnesses among our membership. It's the only responsible thing to do, but we're still scrambling a bit for income. This will help. We have assurances from members and local friends that we won't be allowed to go under, but we still strongly feel obliged to do as much of this sort of thing as we can possible manage on our own as the Post itself. This is my part, and I'm proud to do it.
Still, it seems wasteful to be making all that ammo, and shooting it up when replacements may be a long way off. Back when Obama was looking like he might make it into the White House, I would buy a brick of 22LR every time I went shopping at Wallyworld, and that stuff has been sitting idle all these years. It's time to get some out and have some fun/training/education. With an accurized 10/22, an ancient Savage MKII F, and a just acquired M&P S&W Shield 22LR Compact, the gear's in place, and the 22lr steel plinking targets are ordered.
It's an alternative whose time has come.