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Relocation - "Retirement" homestead, what state?

The lack of true logic and understanding in your post is too large to refute so I'll just pass with a "I dont need no siteeeenking HVAC, man" View attachment 8188579
So what you are saying is.... Fuck the rest of the country forever because it's good for you at this late time of your life? Makes sense. Let the government take a few trillion dollars from the taxpayers to clean up a third world shit hole so that the place is safe to live a leisure lifestyle. Meanwhile they take a few more trillion dollars from the taxpayers to educate their children and provide free medical and other public assistance. Do you actually think that you would be able to afford to live there at that point? There's a reason why you can't afford to retire in a similar situation that's already in the USA.
Don't give me the bullshit of how you have traveled throughout messico and how great the people are and the place is. I bet that you knew some good people and places in Virginia and yet there you are in Oklahoma
So what you are saying is.... Fuck the rest of the country forever because it's good for you at this late time of your life? Makes sense. Let the government take a few trillion dollars from the taxpayers to clean up a third world shit hole so that the place is safe to live a leisure lifestyle. Meanwhile they take a few more trillion dollars from the taxpayers to educate their children and provide free medical and other public assistance. Do you actually think that you would be able to afford to live there at that point? There's a reason why you can't afford to retire in a similar situation that's already in the USA.
Don't give me the bullshit of how you have traveled throughout messico and how great the people are and the place is. I bet that you knew some good people and places in Virginia and yet there you are in Oklahoma
No, thats not what I'm saying at all.

My original post was mostly in jest. Sad, it seems you're just looking for a fight, but Ill opine a bit.

Yes, I HAVE travelled extensively in Mexico and other Central American countries. A bit in Europe years ago. What I've found is that world wide, people are mostly people, and while differing in culture, mostly pretty much the same and when you leave exploitive governments, religions, and business interests out of the equation. Mostly pretty kind decent folks that just want to be left alone to do their work and enjoy life, family, and friends.

The Messikin folks I know are like that, hard working, kind people. Most have never had half the opportunity we have had. As I pointed out to someone else here, education and stupidity are not synonymous. I know some highly educated people that are stupid as rocks, and some uneducated ones who are very intelligent, and given the opportunity to get the education, would excel. Most come here just looking for that opportunity. As to parasites living on the gob'mint tit, we've has those since Johnson's Great Society created a whole new class in the inner cities, long before the borders were much of an issue. dont blame them for taking advantage.

Just like the above, yeah, I know lots of good folks in Virginia, and here. That really has no bearing on anything. I'll likely meet a lot of good people at the nest stop.

Would/Could it work? Years ago, perhaps. Today, IDK. Do away with most the welfare we're pissing away already, except for those really in need, and institute an "Eat or Starve" policy. Let the old geezers like me retire to the south, creating a lot decent paying new jobs there, then more native folks would stay home. Start massive works programs like the CCC back in the day. No work, no eat.

The bottom line is its not going to happen, not worth getting upset over, and my post was mostly (except for "I'd like to be retired on the beach" in jest. Which isnt even acccurate as Im more of a highlands person. If you want to be upset I cant be held responsible for that.

Honestly, Northern California is the closest fit to what he's asking. It's too bad that it's lost to illegal mexican immigration. Demographics really do equal Destiny.
California as geographically diverse you can find most any climate you want. The mexican immigrants are the least of the states problem. Purge the swamp in Sacramento and it would help. Start with Gavin.
I'm looking at WV, KY and maybe southwest IN myself. It was TN, but that place seems to have been "discovered" by all the wealthy Libs now. It'll be the Midwest Idaho or Montana soon. 😕

Idaho and Montana seem to be moving red. My libtard relatives in Couer D Lane complain about all the Republicans. I told em to move back to Seattle and stop screwing up Idaho lol.

Tennessee is still plenty red. Georgia flipping Democrat is worrying though.
Idaho and Montana seem to be moving red. My libtard relatives in Couer D Lane complain about all the Republicans. I told em to move back to Seattle and stop screwing up Idaho lol.

Tennessee is still plenty red. Georgia flipping Democrat is worrying though.
I expect Georgia is much like Virginia, and America, geographically 95% red, population centers with 5% of the land but 90% of the population are blue, so they rule, or will shortly.
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If everyone is going to WV its gonna suck soon. I waned to be in the flatter parts near a tri-state area and rivers.

Like paw-paw or berkley springs but i wanted 50 or more acres.

Prices are way up now. Shoot berkley is probably considered liberal area now.

Paw-paw had a 63 acre parcel with potomac river access. It sold in a New York minute.

That was 3 or 4 years ago.

I didn’t want to be out in the hills where the single tooths are.
No, thats not what I'm saying at all.

My original post was mostly in jest. Sad, it seems you're just looking for a fight, but Ill opine a bit.

Yes, I HAVE travelled extensively in Mexico and other Central American countries. A bit in Europe years ago. What I've found is that world wide, people are mostly people, and while differing in culture, mostly pretty much the same and when you leave exploitive governments, religions, and business interests out of the equation. Mostly pretty kind decent folks that just want to be left alone to do their work and enjoy life, family, and friends.

The Messikin folks I know are like that, hard working, kind people. Most have never had half the opportunity we have had. As I pointed out to someone else here, education and stupidity are not synonymous. I know some highly educated people that are stupid as rocks, and some uneducated ones who are very intelligent, and given the opportunity to get the education, would excel. Most come here just looking for that opportunity. As to parasites living on the gob'mint tit, we've has those since Johnson's Great Society created a whole new class in the inner cities, long before the borders were much of an issue. dont blame them for taking advantage.

Just like the above, yeah, I know lots of good folks in Virginia, and here. That really has no bearing on anything. I'll likely meet a lot of good people at the nest stop.

Would/Could it work? Years ago, perhaps. Today, IDK. Do away with most the welfare we're pissing away already, except for those really in need, and institute an "Eat or Starve" policy. Let the old geezers like me retire to the south, creating a lot decent paying new jobs there, then more native folks would stay home. Start massive works programs like the CCC back in the day. No work, no eat.

The bottom line is its not going to happen, not worth getting upset over, and my post was mostly (except for "I'd like to be retired on the beach" in jest. Which isnt even acccurate as Im more of a highlands person. If you want to be upset I cant be held responsible for that.

For the paragraph about creating jobs.
One question. How did that work out in Guam or Puerto Rico?
Cuando la Gente son estoopido. Claro?
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Wyoming is beautiful year round and has lots of open spaces.

After vacationing once again on the Greys River road I'm convinced there are few other places on earth as pretty. I would move there but property values are super high since its close to Jackson.

I live in northern AZ in the ponderosa's on a very pretty 4 acres for here and the aforementioned location makes my place look like its two full notches down the Wow scale.
For the paragraph about creating jobs.
One question. How did that work out in Guam or Puerto Rico?
Cuando la Gente son estoopido. Claro?
I dodnt know about there, but we're not there. It worked out pretty well for Americans, many of whom fed their families from the CCW and WPA.

And I reiterate, uneducated dies not equal stupid. There are stupid at every level, racial, ethnic, etc. Plenty of it right here on the Hide. Theres a bunch of Mexicans that live in my hood. they have trucks full of equipment and work sun up to sun down. Keep their yard looking neat and clean. The guys who put my new roof on were all Mexicans, busted their ass's to do redeck and shingle it in one day, did a first rate job. Across all measuring criteria, some are motivated, some are jsut lazy scum.
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After vacationing once again on the Greys River road I'm convinced there are few other places on earth as pretty. I would move there but property values are super high since its close to Jackson.

I live in northern AZ in the ponderosa's on a very pretty 4 acres for here and the aforementioned location makes my place look like its two full notches down the Wow scale.
Northern 'Zona' is pretty country. South of Fagstaff towards Happy Jack and Payson its gorgeous. If it didnt get so cold I'd consider that area.
Northern 'Zona' is pretty country. South of Fagstaff towards Happy Jack and Payson its gorgeous. If it didnt get so cold I'd consider that area.

Ah so you've been here.

Man we got a lot of snow last winter, almost 200 inches, so much that I actually bought a tractor which I had never even contemplated before.

Probably won't snow a foot this winter, LOL, but I'm armed with more than a snow shovel this time.

Oh and I have to brag a bit. Got me that 19"x21" steel plate at 1987 yards this morning. With what you ask...my 6mmBR of all things. Took a few try's though. BTW its a 15 minute drive from my house.
Ah so you've been here.

Man we got a lot of snow last winter, almost 200 inches, so much that I actually bought a tractor which I had never even contemplated before.

Probably won't snow a foot this winter, LOL, but I'm armed with more than a snow shovel this time.

Oh and I have to brag a bit. Got me that 19"x21" steel plate at 1987 yards this morning. With what you ask...my 6mmBR of all things. Took a few try's though. BTW its a 15 minute drive from my house.
Been in that area many times, have old friends in Flag. and Cottonwood. Around 1976 I was driving north on Lake St. Mary's Road right after sunrise and there was a solid black Mt. Lion/Panther in the middle of the road eating some road kill. He saw me and in one leap went from the middle of the road over a 6 ft bank and out of sight. Beautiful animal.

200" sucks but it was needed.
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Your question is "timely".
As many of the visionaries will admit, no one knows what the future will hold.
There are some good comments, above.
The only comments I can make are specific to my situation. My home was a 40' fifthwheel as I traveled / worked all over America. 7 - 8 years ago, I was in your position. I had learned about a lot of places. I chose to retire to the Bitterroot Valley of Montana. When I got here I bought a dump that no one else would even make an offer on. It looks better now. Unfortunately people migrated here for many reasons (pandemic, work from home and the show Yellowstone). Last year the runway was extended at the small airport and now the mid sized corporate jets are in and out of here daily. Big Money has followed the migration. I lived in Boom Towns all during my working years because there was local leaders who never dealt with migration. Every job was due to the infrastructure (water, sewer, roads, grid,schools, hospitals, electrical generating plants, retail shope, etc) being over loaded. The city council's and county commissioner's don't have a clue about "planning". It becomes a knee jerk region due to the developer's being sharper than the dairy farmer who is now a Commissioner. This may sound counter productive but, look at places no one else would have a desire to live. Take a compass and a map of the area you are looking and draw a circle around the nearest metro city and include the suburbs. Then draw another larger circle our about 40 miles farther out. That second circle is where you should be looking.

Your health and your wife's will deteriorate exponentially as you age. A 100 mile round trip for a doctor's visit will make you question your location.

If all else fails, pray about your situation and just sit tight. We call that " Waiting on the Lord". Some will understand that plan.

You just missed the last cycle. 2008 homes were bringing $500k +, and in 2010 they were back at $200k.

The business jets were already here. You just didn't notice them.

I love the fact that they're bringing in a ton of money and buying vacation houses. But they also don't vote here as it's not a primary residence.

Missoula has been trying to be Portland for a long time. Good luck over there (I left in 96, it was already sucking then).
Pick a poor state for less people, less cities, less overreach

If California was a country, more of our commerce would be coming in though other states, and California would be a 3rd world shit hole.

What a joke calfornia is claiming everything that goes through their ports as part of their GDP.
LOL unfortunately the people moving OUT are Republicans while the moving IN are coming across the southern border by the hundreds every day.
Unfortunately they make a ballot for every person, and the vast majority of people don't vote, so no matter how the population changes politically, they will never let themselves loose power because they control the votes.
Here in the good ol' Deliverance part of Oklahoma, the Texicans are invading at a rate that will double our population between 2020 and 2030.

The problem is that the border jumpers aren't all Republicans. Many are liberals who are fleeing what the policies they voted for have done...and the stupid asses aren't going to change their voting stances either....it is much like Californians of the 1990s.

Land prices have at least doubled in the last three years. All of these little operations where guys run 10 head on 20 acres, and work a day job too are going to have to figure out how to pay triple the property tax. Families that are razor thin margins (because this area is poor) are selling now and moving to the city...because they can't afford to live here anymore. Then that land is bought by Texicans and the system perpetuates.

The WMA that surrounds my ranch has sold ~10K acres over the last three years, and has leased about 25% of what was left. Not one acre has gone into local hands that I know of.

Whine, whine, whine, cry, bitch, and moan. I get it ..."progress". It is inevitable. I'm not trying to prevent that. Im just trying to help some people understand why they're moving up here and no one is rolling out the red carpet for them.
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I did this almost 8 years ago. I escaped the PRNJ and moved to Florida. I did it because there's things other than 2A that Florida offers me (Cave Diving). I believe there is no escaping "Mother Nature," no matter where one chooses to live in this country. If it's not Florida Hurricanes and "Thunderbumpers," it's huge Nor-Easters and snow storms in the Northeast and Midwest. It;s "Tornado Alley" in the Mid-West and South Central, and it's Earthquakes, mud-slides and wild fires" in the west. Pick yer poison. I love the Weather in FL, even though it can get hot and muggy. I just got the HVAC re-done last year. It's great. And I absolutely don't miss the cold/snowy weather in PRNJ Winters. Snow is nice and wonderful to look at, especially when new fallen. But, after that, it's a PITA to drive in or shovel all the time. I'll watch the nice snowfall vicariously via YouTube!
Here in the good ol' Deliverance part of Oklahoma, the Texicans are invading at a rate that will double our population between 2020 and 2030.

The problem is that the border jumpers aren't all Republicans. Many are liberals who are fleeing what the policies they voted for have done...and the stupid asses aren't going to change their voting stances either....it is much like Californians of the 1990s.

Land prices have at least doubled in the last three years. All of these little operations where guys run 10 head on 20 acres, and work a day job too are going to have to figure out how to pay triple the property tax. Families that are razor thin margins (because this area is poor) are selling now and moving to the city...because they can't afford to live here anymore. Then that land is bought by Texicans and the system perpetuates.

The WMA that surrounds my ranch has sold ~10K acres over the last three years, and has leased about 25% of what was left. Not one acre has gone into local hands that I know of.

Whine, whine, whine, cry, bitch, and moan. I get it ..."progress". It is inevitable. I'm not trying to prevent that. Im just trying to help some people understand why they're moving up here and no one is rolling out the red carpet for them.
Even here in Lawton Ive noticed a 50% increase in traffic in the year I've been here. Lots of Tesskins in Suburbans and Tahoes.
I did this almost 8 years ago. I escaped the PRNJ and moved to Florida. I did it because there's things other than 2A that Florida offers me (Cave Diving). I believe there is no escaping "Mother Nature," no matter where one chooses to live in this country. If it's not Florida Hurricanes and "Thunderbumpers," it's huge Nor-Easters and snow storms in the Northeast and Midwest. It;s "Tornado Alley" in the Mid-West and South Central, and it's Earthquakes, mud-slides and wild fires" in the west. Pick yer poison. I love the Weather in FL, even though it can get hot and muggy. I just got the HVAC re-done last year. It's great. And I absolutely don't miss the cold/snowy weather in PRNJ Winters. Snow is nice and wonderful to look at, especially when new fallen. But, after that, it's a PITA to drive in or shovel all the time. I'll watch the nice snowfall vicariously via YouTube!
Snow is a 4 letter word.
Snow is a 4 letter word.

Indeed it is. I'm reminded of the classic Zack Rushing routine, "We Ain't Built for this."

It's NFSW for language and some "adult themes." so watch with caution. :ROFLMAO:

BTW, to the OP - If it were me, I'd stay in Texas. One of only two states I'd consider moving to if I should ever choose to leave Fl, the other being Tenn. But I think I'll stick with FL and fight it out.
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You just missed the last cycle. 2008 homes were bringing $500k +, and in 2010 they were back at $200k.

The business jets were already here. You just didn't notice them.

I love the fact that they're bringing in a ton of money and buying vacation houses. But they also don't vote here as it's not a primary residence.

Missoula has been trying to be Portland for a long time. Good luck over there (I left in 96, it was already sucking then).
Understood... Seems regions change in about a 10 - 15 year cycle. I caught this cycle right to buy a homestead.
The "developers" are no dummies. Other than the S&L crash where houses were repoed, they have been ahead of the curve on developing mega housing tracts and big box shopping centers. Unfortunately they don't develop the infrastructure needed to support all the people.

I can always use some luck but again, I see a lot of shit holes where I worked, in my rear view mirror... Gulf Coast, Boston, Los Angeles, Portland, Washington...
A rolling stone gather's no moss..... LOL
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I traveled to Ft Stockton every year for over a dozen years, to the international championships. Stopped at several places in E Texas and noticed it is not a lot different than LA or MS, S AL, etc. and that you can go north a piece and be in rolling hills, but still in pine forests with hard woods.
You might want to look in a different area of the state you know best, just plan the new home a bit better than the last, open, bright, wide doors, higher ceilings, central heat and air, spray foam insulation, windows, roof, shop, barn, generator, etc.
In 2000 I did that, moved 75 miles north. Bought a farm place, that had burned, had a D-8 dozer and large track hoe come and clear the fence rows, make two ponds, put an old burnt house 10' under the bottom of one pond.
Just plan what you want first then go find it. South AL between Montgomery and Andalusia is all right. The area up near Marshall is decent in TX for what you describe. It took me six years to find this place, knowing what I wanted.
Do not forget med care and supply.
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I traveled to Ft Stockton every year for over a dozen years, to the international championships. Stopped at several places in E Texas and noticed it is not a lot different than LA or MS, S AL, etc. and that you can go north a piece and be in rolling hills, but still in pine forests with hard woods.
You might want to look in a different area of the state you know best, just plan the new home a bit better than the last, open, bright, wide doors, higher ceilings, central heat and air, spray foam insulation, windows, roof, shop, barn, generator, etc.
In 2000 I did that, moved 75 miles north. Bought a farm place, that had burned, had a D-8 dozer and large track hoe come and clear the fence rows, make two ponds, put an old burnt house 10' under the bottom of one pond.
Just plan what you want first then go find it. South AL between Montgomery and Andalusia is all right. The area up near Marshall is decent in TX for what you describe. It took me six years to find this place, knowing what I wanted.
Do not forget med care and supply.
The mention of Fort Stockton brought back memories. I passed through Fort Stockton around 10 pm as the truckers were passing the word that the truck stop was closing up due to the approaching ice storm and to fuel up, if needed. I passed there with some fuel and the ice storm hit. I pulled off at Kent. The truckers said to pull up to the pump and a Mexican would open up at 7 am the next morning... Lucky I was in my van and had plenty of warm gear and blankets. One miserable night. Mexican opened at 7, fueled up and traveled on.
Lesson learned:
Before buying a place spend time there during the "worst" season of the year. Mosquitos / humidity, tornadoes, hurricanes, chocking smoke, tourist and of course snow up past the fence post tops.
There is never a perfect place.
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The mention of Fort Stockton brought back memories. I passed through Fort Stockton around 10 pm as the truckers were passing the word that the truck stop was closing up due to the approaching ice storm and to fuel up, if needed. I passed there with some fuel and the ice storm hit. I pulled off at Kent. The truckers said to pull up to the pump and a Mexican would open up at 7 am the next morning... Lucky I was in my van and had plenty of warm gear and blankets. One miserable night. Mexican opened at 7, fueled up and traveled on.
Lesson learned:
Before buying a place spend time there during the "worst" season of the year. Mosquitos / humidity, tornadoes, hurricanes, chocking smoke, tourist and of course snow up past the fence post tops.
There is never a perfect place.
If you think the winters are bad, you should try the summer…
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The mention of Fort Stockton brought back memories. I passed through Fort Stockton around 10 pm as the truckers were passing the word that the truck stop was closing up due to the approaching ice storm and to fuel up, if needed. I passed there with some fuel and the ice storm hit. I pulled off at Kent. The truckers said to pull up to the pump and a Mexican would open up at 7 am the next morning... Lucky I was in my van and had plenty of warm gear and blankets. One miserable night. Mexican opened at 7, fueled up and traveled on.
Lesson learned:
Before buying a place spend time there during the "worst" season of the year. Mosquitos / humidity, tornadoes, hurricanes, chocking smoke, tourist and of course snow up past the fence post tops.
There is never a perfect place.

Spending the night in Kent, TX is a shitty situation no matter the wx.
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Spending the night in Kent, TX is a shitty situation no matter the wx.
I traveled for work in the Heavy Industrial Construction arena. I would not have traded that lifestyle for any other. It was a learning experience. My close friends are scattered all over America, several in Texas. The more a person travels for work (not vacationing) the more they learn there is no perfect place to settle down. Those "perfect little towns" often turn into boom towns once they are advertised.
That area between Ft Stockton and Del Rio can get real sparse around 2-3 AM for gas pumps. First trip out was real interesting, had my fingers still crossed when we parked in the parking lot of the closed truck stop in Ft Stockton at 3 AM with an empty gas tank. I will say, it takes some very special folks to love that high desert country, but they do. After the first trip we (I transported 4-5 competitors with me), over nighted at Borne.
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Stay away from Oregon. It’s beautiful but the politics are bad and getting worse. Also, the public employee’s retirement system (PERS) is currently underfunded by $25 billion. Yes, the state owes the retirement system $25 billion. It’s gotta get paid and it’s coming from taxpayers.

I’m here three years, tops.

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That area between Ft Stockton and Del Rio can get real sparse around 2-3 AM for gas pumps. First trip out was real interesting, had my fingers still crossed when we parked in the parking lot of the closed truck stop in Ft Stockton at 3 AM with an empty gas tank. I will say, it takes some very special folks to love that high desert country, but they do. After the first trip we (I transported 4-5 competitors with me), over nighted at Borne.
Back in the late 80's I made that run on a Sunday afternoon (lessons learned before) and after hours on the road I started asking myself if the world had ended and I was the last fool alive. Then, off in the distance I saw an oncoming vehicle so I slowed down. As the vehicle passed I waved and took a long look at it. The other driver was doing the same thing.... LOL

Those were the days of being a road hand.
Stay away from Oregon. It’s beautiful but the politics are bad and getting worse. Also, the public employee’s retirement system (PERS) is currently underfunded by $25 billion. Yes, the state owes the retirement system $25 billion. It’s gotta get paid and it’s coming from taxpayers.

I’m here three years, tops.

Oregon used to be a paradise... Then along came the spotted owl. Long / short story.
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OP, why not central TX? Yeah, we get the heat but it's mostly dry and not very humid most of the time. Land is getting hard to find as the I-35 corridor is growing fast. Waco's not too bad but you'd want to stay away from anywhere say South of Salado.
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We’re looking in the Poplarville MS area for property. South enough to be warm, property is cheap (compared to eastern WA where we live).

Headed on an explore next weekend.

Probably snow bird for a few years until all the kids are out of college, then we’ll see.
A good area to research.
Remember, I-59 is going to be a Hurricane Evacuation for the folks in New Orleans. They went to Houston after Katrina and that did not work out very good.
West of town would be better than East of town.
Check out Running Creek Ranch area.
Bring some "skeeter dope"
There are some states that do not tax your retirement income, like if you are former military. If that applies to you that might be worth thinking about.
Uff da, what an interesting thread. You really learn the lay of the land listening to people's experiences. Temperature, weather, politics it all matters.

At the end of the day, if you can take the winters, the Dakotas and Wyoming will be the last man standing. I'm afraid the liberal influences are gaining momentum.
Uff da, what an interesting thread. You really learn the lay of the land listening to people's experiences. Temperature, weather, politics it all matters.

At the end of the day, if you can take the winters, the Dakotas and Wyoming will be the last man standing. I'm afraid the liberal influences are gaining momentum.
You make some good observations.
I will add another piece to "The Matrix".
Age / Health
10 years ago these Montana winters were beautiful, the wood burning heat was hypnotizing and the Californians had left for the winter.
Today all the medical specialist are an hour's drive away, firewood is $300+ / cord and the Californians stay for the winter but can't drive in show and ice.
Paradise today could be uninhabitable in 10 years. SoCal is a good example.
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