Needing some advice. Story goes like this: I tore down a Remington 700 chambered in 243 with no more than five boxes put through it wanting to build a competition rifle chambered in 6mm creed. Teardown went great and assembly went equally as good. First ammo I put through it was some Hornady eld-m with no problems. I bought a couple cases of Norma Golden Target, shot a couple boxes with no problems and some pretty good groups. All was good until I had a “click” and no boom. Recocked the firing pin and another click. Pulled the round and saw a light primer strike. Didn’t think anything of it, chambered another round and another click but this time no strike at all. Looking into it I found several fired brass that had “inverted primer strikes” by that I mean they were not a crater but a dimple like they flowed into the firing pin hole. Also found one that had a perfect circle cut out of it which I found inside my bolt assembly along with a bent firing pin. I figured that my pin failed somehow and caused all this and went on a search for a new one. I decided to purchase an entire assembly from PTG instead. All was good except for the first half box and then the same problem came back along with the problem that when you run the bolt home with any haste the firing pin will fall with the bolt handle when closing unless the safety is on. Now, before I get hammered about Remington’s trigger problem this is not the factory trigger but rather a Triggertech although the same thing happens with the factory trigger and a jewel from another rifle. I called PTG and they said they “knew what the problem was” and would send another bolt. Got the second new bolt still acts the same but now it also drags on the sides of the slot in the receiver that the bottom of the cocking piece slides through. My factory trigger has a small window where you can see the sear engagement with another piece and when you run the bolt home too hard you can see that the sear slides past that piece and the pin will fall as the bolt closes. If when they disengage from one another you back the bolt up ever so slightly they reset and the group functions as normal. I’ll up load any pics needed and can measure anything to the best of my ability this one is Messi no with my head and needing a little directional input. Thank you all in advance!