Remington mod 700 LTR 308


Feb 15, 2008
Bonham, TX
I am interesed in a Remington 700 LTR 308. I am interested in people's opinion of this rifle. It has a Leupold mark 4 on it already. Nice looking gun, just curoius about accuracy and reliablity.
Re: Remington mod 700 LTR 308

I have one that I've kept completely stock and unmodified. It is every bit as accurate as my 3 other .308's with Rock, Bartlein, and Chanlynn barrels. Best $800.00 I ever spent on a bolt action rifle.

I'm about to sell all my fancy shit and keep that rifle.
Re: Remington mod 700 LTR 308

Buy it. Most of these are shooters with a little bit of work, and all I am referring to here is some load development. Plus it is easy to upgrade if you feel the desire.
Re: Remington mod 700 LTR 308

Diggin mine so far. Trigger sucked, installed a Timney, bedded the factory stock, and it shoots a bit better than my custom built 7mm. And I am still trying to find <span style="font-style: italic">the</span> load for it.
Re: Remington mod 700 LTR 308

I like mine it shoots good and functions well, I bought it new and have some good handloads worked up for it. Its action is smooth and I live with the trigger for now.
Re: Remington mod 700 LTR 308

I hope is a good gun. I have wanted a good 308. I am going to shoot it tomorrow. It is supposed to be grouping real well. I will see. Sounds like the tigger is not the best, anyother information would be appreciated.
Re: Remington mod 700 LTR 308

Mine runs very well with just 168/175 FGMM rounds, like most of the remington rifles some shoot better than others but most of them shoot pretty darn well and some amazing for a sub $1000 factory gun. I also like that if you are looking for a light tactical setup you can pretty easily build one up with a good scope and parts and still be under 10 lbs.

In fact I blame my LTR for causing me to sell my 17+ pound GAP .308 because it shot right with it (within 0.10") but was almost half the weight.
Re: Remington mod 700 LTR 308

Not dogging the LTR, I have never owned one BUT if these rifles are so outragously accurate what is the point in custom guns?

The only thing I can think of is consistancy, maybe?

I have seen the video where a well known barrel maker borescopes a factory barrel then a custom barrel. I mean there has to be a reason for having custom guns made, right...or is it just all for show. The reason I'm asking is cause I'm getting married and there won't be any rifles in my NEAR future so I'm in the process of planning a custom build.
Buy once, cry once thing. I really would just like to have a nice custom to keep. Sorry for the Hi-Jack but am curious myself about the LTR. I'm sure OP has similar questions so hopefully this helps him out first and foremost.
Re: Remington mod 700 LTR 308

You do gain consistency with the customs, if you buy a custom from a reputable shop you pretty well KNOW it's going to shoot 1/2 MOA or better, many of them better. With an LTR 5 out of 10 of them might shoot 1/2 MOA or better, the other 3 somewhere between .5-.75 MOA and the other 2 .75 - 1.0 MOA, and every once and awhile you'll get one that just won't shoot or got by quality control. I had a 5R that the last inch or so of barrel looked like you tried to use a tap on it from the factory, had it cut down to 20" and crowned and it shot fine, so it's not all roses with the factory guns. With a custom you never have to worry about that.

Bore scoping isn't "everything" certainly a smooth high quality barrel usually yields more accuracy, it's easier to clean, and probably higher and more consistent velocities. I have a 30-06 browning abolt that you can literally easily see the parallel to rifling grooves on the inside of the barrel, it looks HORRIBLE, but it shoots great.

Also you get exactly what you want with a custom, exact barrel profile, length, exact stock profile and setup, threaded barrel, coatings, fluting, some guys want exact chamber specs, tightbore, etc. etc. etc. Also it's more bling factor, some guys just want a custom because it's another high dollar toy to show off their wallet.

A LOT of shooters would be much better off buying and setting up an LTR or similar and spending the extra $3000 on ammo and training than getting a $4000 custom rifle. Then when that barrel is shot out send it to a good smith and have them screw on a new higher quality barrel.
Re: Remington mod 700 LTR 308

I started with a LTR and then went custom....I like both for different reasons. The LTR was a $700 purchase and the custom (with Surgeon action) was over $3200+. I have never felt the LTR accuracy was sub-par but other things about it led me down the custom route...Some of the issues with the LTR:

1) Firing pin left cratering.
2) Factory barrel left more copper fouling than custom barrel.
3) Timing of bolt is off and can be seen on mating surface of bolt handle.
4) Failure to feed was common and needed work to correct.
5) Running the bolt was not as smooth as a custom action.

Granted, all of this can be corrected but why spend the money to fix when you can go custom and have it built right from the get go. It's an equation of available money.

Lastly, my LTR shoots like it is on fire but the other issues prevail. It is what it is but at the end of the day, it is a factory gun and it will be mass produced like a factory rig.
Re: Remington mod 700 LTR 308

I shot the LTR today. First time I shot a 1/4" moa group. I have not had any of the problems mentioned above. It may not be a custom rifle but it is any excellent shooter. It is mine now and I am looking forward to shooting it again soon. I will have to load up some more rounds. I got the load data from the man I bought it from. I will load some of those rounds and go from there. I am looking forward to doing some long range shooting and see how it does. I would like to see some of your best loads. THANKS
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Re: Remington mod 700 LTR 308

Nothing wrong with that.As stated above when you go custom you get everything you want at one time.But getting what you did you can make channges as you go.Just be aware when you start messing with a gun that shoots like that one you may be backing up!
Re: Remington mod 700 LTR 308

Where's the best/cheapest place to find one of these rifles? I've been looking into buying one for a few months. I've got a 26" heavy .308 that shoots good, but I want one that can double as a deer rifle. There's no way I can afford a custom gun, and I'll have to sell something to buy this. Thats why I'm looking for a deal.
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Re: Remington mod 700 LTR 308

LTR's are great rifles. They are accurate, for the most part, and are about as light as one can go, and still have a tactical style rifle from the factory.

I shot an LTR for a three years, liked it, and then turned it into something it was not. Constantly improving and mindless customization is a illness, for which there is no known cure.

My LTR became like a Perry Mason case, I called it : "The Sad Case of the Overweight, Lightweight".


I don't have pictures of every stage of the LTR's evolution, but just peering at a few you will get the point:

I don't have any early pictures of my bone stock LTR, with a Falcon Menace fixed 10x42mm. But I was not happy with the short stubby fore-end of the factory LTR stock, and I wanted to try a FFP Mil/MIL scope:

So I opted for an SS 3-9x42mm, and a longer H-S Precision stock, and shot it for a bit.

Not content with only 9x, and feeling held back by a fixed box mag, I went to the next step:


Although the changes seemed small, the weight they added was not. I dropped the 19 oz SS 3-9x42mm for a 29 oz IOR 3-18x44mm, I exchanged the 4 oz steel Burris Z Rings for 8 oz 35mm Steel TPS rings, and dropped the svelte factory alloy floorplate for an H-S Precision DBM one made of SS steel, complete with 10 round Stainless steel mags. Oh, and I traded out my small Triad stock pack for the new larger one.

In it's final guise the ole LTR was nothing like it was when it was built by the boys from Llion:


Through the magic of the Internet, and unrestrained shopping, I somehow managed to turn a sleek factory neeked 7.5 Lb rifle into a 16 lb behemoth.

The pieces were good kit. They worked well together, what did not work was me.

It did shoot better, from the prone, but worse from every other position. It did not fit me, it was a pain to carry and I hated it.

I finally parted the whole mess out, managed to not lose my shirt in the process. And stared over again.....

I did learn from my mistakes, and I am better for it; or at least happier......

Good luck with your LTR purchase.
