Republican Gov Eric Holcomb vetoes bill banning transgenders from women’s sports


Hey, give your balls a tug.
Banned !
Nov 20, 2021

Republican Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb angered conservatives this week when he vetoed a bill designed to protect women’s sports from transgender activism.

Holcomb said in a letter on Monday that he finds “no evidence” to support the idea that sports are suffering from a lack of fairness in his state. The bill, HEA 1041, would have banned men who identify as women from competing in opposite-gender sports.

“The wide-open nature of the grievance provisions in HEA 1041 that apply to all K-12 schools in Indiana makes it unclear about how consistency and fairness will be maintained for parents and students across different counties and school districts,” Holcomb wrote in the letter.

“The presumption of the policy laid out in HEA 1041 is that there is an existing problem in K-12 sports in Indiana that requires further state government intervention,” he added. “It implies that the goals of consistency and fairness in competitive female sports are not currently being met. After a thorough review, I find no evidence to support either claim even if I support the overall goal.”

According to IndyStar, the bill may still become law, being that “Republican lawmakers have a supermajority in both chambers at the Statehouse, and only need a simple majority to override a veto.”

The bill was staunchly opposed by the ACLU and The Indiana Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics (Indiana AAP). The Indiana High School Athletics Association (IHSAA) also claimed transgenders had no unfair advantage in women’s sports by requiring transgender athletes to specify they have been living as their preferred gender for over a year.

“The moment the Indiana High School Athletic Association admitted there was no unfair advantage occurring in women’s sports, it became clear House Bill 1041 was more about fulfilling a made-up culture war than actually creating a better future for Hoosier children,” Indiana Democrats said after the veto.

“Indiana Republicans even admitted their goal was more about abiding by national politics than solving today’s problems facing kids – and it’s why they partnered with a national hate group to pass House Bill 1041,” it added. It’s encouraging to see Governor Eric Holcomb tell his party that their culture wars have crossed the line.”

Holcomb faced criticism from lawmakers for his veto:

“I’m disappointed with Gov. Holcomb’s veto of a common-sense bill that frankly doesn’t go far enough to Save Women’s Sports,” tweeted Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN). “My hope is that the Indiana General Assembly will meet soon to override the veto and send a message to the rest of the nation that Indiana values women.”
Probably a fucking RINO, like most Republican politicians. Just goes to show, having a Republican in office means jack if they vote like a Democrat.

Nobody is going to convince me that these transgendered people are not mentally ill. And to say that a man who thinks he is a woman can compete in women's sports is illogical and idiotic. These laws are needed because we are dealing with a leftist and woke organization, the NCAA.
I can't say I'm too broken up about the whole concept.

Let's just get rid of gendered sports altogether and give women the complete "equality" they have been demanding.
All sports can be open to everyone without any bias towards gender.
If they are so "equal" then why do they want special safe places for just them?
I have no problem with all the bathrooms and dressing rooms and such going gender neutral.
They wanted it, they got it.

I'm not sure if men should even bother getting involved in the argument since the women have been trying to destroy men and anything manly for half a century or more.
On one hand I feel bad for the legit women who want to compete

On the other, most are liberal fem nazis who vote for this kinda dumb shit and its great to see it blow up in their face.

Let women feel the pain and maybe they will learn something along the way.
The liberal fem nazis who vote for this are generally too obese to compete, are gay, and despise the athletic hetero females who attract the guys.
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The problem with this is that women don’t want it. Look at all the stuff shoved down your throat that you don’t want. Look at the border for example. Very few want open borders but we have it anyhow. Voters have no influence over what laws get passed. Whether people are for or against something has no consequence. Politicians pander to special interest groups with money. Period.

All I know is I can't pretty much read anything online or watch any movies or shows or music without hearing some female going on about how horrible men are and how they need more power for women and need more equality and how bad the Republicans are so...

Plus it's a proven thing that Women tend as a block to vote more big government and more government rules and of course are a bunch of Karens.
Men shouldn't be able to compete in women's sports. There should be no need for a law to stop it. If it the sanctioning bodies for those sports don't want to stop it, haven at it. They shouldn't be passing the buck to government because they are scared to stop it. Good veto.
It's all fun and games until your daughter your loses her spot on the team to a 6'3" chick with a five second flat 40 yard dash and a five o'clock shadow like Lorenzo Llamas.

Maybe they'd then realize they shouldn't be wasting time playing stupid sports that simply make money for the schools and instead should be getting out and working on politics and taking back the grass roots.
Maybe they'd then realize they shouldn't be wasting time playing stupid sports that simply make money for the schools and instead should be getting out and working on politics and taking back the grass roots.
I was thinking more at the high school level.

A little exercise and friendly competition never hurt anyone. Sucks that females are getting steamrolled right now.
So... if you want to compete in Women's sports... first step should be to have your junk cut off. Permanently.

These FUGS (Fags until Graduation), don't have any level of commitment if they leave their scrotums and "little Elvis' a-hanging.

Want to compete against wimmen? Cut that shit off. No Comebacks after you get your record and decide your mental retard need for attention is sated. 200 womens medley record comes with a price. Deez Nuts! Or... Doze Nuts... as the case may be!

As much as I agree with the intent of the the end of the day...this isn't a government issue.

We need to stop running to uncle sugar to be pass a law every time we have an issue with something.

Women just need to stop participating in sports that allow men to compete
This x1000% if women don't want to compete against men then don't compete it's that simple if every women on the team stuck together and decided not to compete then this issue would fix itself.
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Girls and women should form new sanctioning bodies for natural women only sports . Then the transgenders can sue them and judge shop till
they get the outcome they want . Forcing their way into the natural women's, new natural women's sports leagues.
Then the feminist's can know exactly how men felt when women sued their way into men's sports .
Thus gaining another step in equality .

Really I have zero fucks to give about the whole plight of women's sports . They should thank the feminist's and the university's for this insane gender mental illness on parade . That is happening.
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Not all women that play sports think or ever thought this is a good idea, hell even Jenner says this is a bad thing and he is a poster child for this trans stuff.

Really sorry to say men and women are not the same, men have in general larger hearts to pump more blood to muscles, larger lungs, and larger muscle groups. Just nature, and the women know this.

There is some thing in (I think) Oz called net ball, kinda like basket ball but no back board. It is an all female thing. A group of men put together a team and went to court to play.....and they let them play and they cleaned house on the females, taller stronger faster just wins. And the outrage was amazing. The men never said it, but you could tell it was to make a point.

As to the entire trans thing, the older I get the more Libertarian I seem to get. You do you and I will do me, I don't want to see it. As to what you do in your bedroom I only have three rules. Human, Adult and willing. Past that as long as I don't have to see it I don't care.

Sports in general, you know why they are doing it, it is the same reason you do not see women that trans to men in men's sports. Kinda makes ya think.

It is going to destroy sports, women are IMHO inside of 5 years time are going to say the hell with it all, and you will see the death of many female sports. Yes there are woke idiots in women sports, there are woke idiots everywhere.
I can't say I'm too broken up about the whole concept.

Let's just get rid of gendered sports altogether and give women the complete "equality" they have been demanding.
All sports can be open to everyone without any bias towards gender.
If they are so "equal" then why do they want special safe places for just them?
I have no problem with all the bathrooms and dressing rooms and such going gender neutral.
They wanted it, they got it.

I'm not sure if men should even bother getting involved in the argument since the women have been trying to destroy men and anything manly for half a century or more.
How many daughters do you have?
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The feminists have been bitching about equal rights for decades. They wanted to force their way into a man's world thinking that we had all the rights and they had none.

During the height of the suffragette movement, the Titanic sank. A lot of women lived because men gave up their seats in the lifeboats.

We don't hear the refrain now because it's been lost with time. Yet, it was said back then; "they want their 'rights' on land but demand their 'privileges' at sea."

Real "equal rights" would have necessitated everyone line up for the lifeboats according to age and regardless of sex with the youngest going first.

The feminists have forced their way into non traditional jobs causing many better qualified men to get passed over for that spot or a promotion. I've personally witnessed and suffered from the feminist BS for to damn long.

Now that men are forcing their way into women's sports they don't like it. That's too darn bad. Let them get a taste of their own medicine.

Talking to me about banning men from women's sports AFTER they ban alimony, child support and make females register for the draft.
I can't say I'm too broken up about the whole concept.

Let's just get rid of gendered sports altogether and give women the complete "equality" they have been demanding.
All sports can be open to everyone without any bias towards gender.
If they are so "equal" then why do they want special safe places for just them?
I have no problem with all the bathrooms and dressing rooms and such going gender neutral.
They wanted it, they got it.

I'm not sure if men should even bother getting involved in the argument since the women have been trying to destroy men and anything manly for half a century or more.
Spoken like someone who does not have a daughter that has busted her ass since she was 8 years to get to the top of the pile. Mine is a hs senior being actively recruited for basketball. She will be the first to tell you there is a definite difference between the sexes and has no desire to be in the same building let alone compete against a pack of cock choppers!!
The Goldman Delma may have changed because of attitudes about doping, but the idea of elite athletes trading their lives for victory is still very real. I wonder if these are “real” mentally ill trans, or men who are trading their health for gold.
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The Goldman Delma may have changed because of attitudes about doping, but the idea of elite athletes trading their lives for victory is still very real. I wonder if these are “real” mentally ill trans, or men who are trading their health for gold.
It's mental illness cultivated by weak complicit sperm/egg donors and reaffirmed by our drain circling society.
No mentally sound individual even considers joining the slice and dice party for trophies and middle aged white guy opinion.
ZomboMeme 23032022080806.jpg
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As much as I agree with the intent of the the end of the day...this isn't a government issue.

We need to stop running to uncle sugar to pass a law every time we have an issue with something.

Women just need to stop participating in sports that allow men to compete
Those Things being allowed to participate in womens sports is one thing, being Officers in the US military dressing in womens uniforms, making decisions and lending troops is something else. It sends a message to our enemies. We’re weak. That’s dangerous as fuck! My .02
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30-some-odd years ago, in this town there was a gym called "Men Only" and it was popular amongst the men who went there. Mostly body-builders. The women-folk of this town gathered together, and pressured all sorts of different venues, until eventually "women" HAD to be accepted into the gym.

Wasn't long before the place shut down. Then there was the whole thing about 'girls' HAVING to be able to go into the Boy Scouts.

Ya'll see where I'm going here?

Nowadays, there are gyms here in this town, that are 'women only' and THAT seems to be 'okay' and such. (I think not, but I'm not about to join one)

Pathetic, comes to mind.

Absolutely pathetic.

This bit about Olympic games and such, well, the demise is continuously spiraling.

Now, me,,,, I always have been, and continue to still be 'polite' in public and society. I hold the door open for the next person (young or old, male or female) I just don't have a problem being 'human' to the next one. The uppity/entitled folk though, when they just look down and go through the door as if I'm not even standing there, I let them hear the "you're welcome".... as do probably others.

Same goes for any time I need assistance or whatever. I'll start off with "excuse me miss...." or if it's a guy I'll say something like "Yo bud..." and whatnot.

I don't have ANY problems calling a spade a shovel.

For the most part, folks are appreciative and cordial. We experience quite the same when we were down in Florida.

But whenever anyone even starts to go down the road of "did you just assume....?" I simply reply with "NO, I simply assumed that you were human. My bad".
Something of interest that I'm sure a lot of folks will probably disagree with since well the whole white knight business and such and propaganda folks were taught that somehow like half the population is apparently to be treated better than the other half etc.

Male to Female transgenders get all the attention and all this outrage business about them living life and doing things as the women do.

Interestingly enough the most common these days for the whole younger set is becoming Female to Male transgenders.

Strangely enough, I don't hear all that much hate coming from men about it & men freaking out about transgenders in their sports, their dressing rooms, or their lives and such?

So does this mean men are way more tolerant than women?

I don't see a bunch of conservative women going on rants trying to protect men from transgender men???

So once again women want to be special even though it's not like they are some kind of rare thing, they usually make up slightly over half the population, so why should men have to be treating them all different? Especially when women quite often treat men horribly?
Something of interest that I'm sure a lot of folks will probably disagree with since well the whole white knight business and such and propaganda folks were taught that somehow like half the population is apparently to be treated better than the other half etc.

Male to Female transgenders get all the attention and all this outrage business about them living life and doing things as the women do.

Interestingly enough the most common these days for the whole younger set is becoming Female to Male transgenders.

Strangely enough, I don't hear all that much hate coming from men about it & men freaking out about transgenders in their sports, their dressing rooms, or their lives and such?

So does this mean men are way more tolerant than women?

I don't see a bunch of conservative women going on rants trying to protect men from transgender men???

So once again women want to be special even though it's not like they are some kind of rare thing, they usually make up slightly over half the population, so why should men have to be treating them all different? Especially when women quite often treat men horribly?

Maybe we don't hear so much about the "men-to-women" transformation is that once they take on male characteristics they learn how to keep their mouth shut and stop looking at their reflection in every mirror they pass. They don't worry about whether their clothes make them look fat anymore.

They discover that it's more fun to go hunting, riding ATVs and play poker on the weekends than bitching with their girlfriends at the Cheesecake Factory about women's rights.

Maybe in the "transformation," they discover that men are the real victims of this leftist BS.

He is a rich bought and paid for politician. It's not that he is a moron, it's that he has no morals just like the rest of his peers and anyone else that you have the option of pretending to vote for in the future.
Like most politicians, his number one reason for holding office is to get rich.

Some steroid monster with deadlocks and 12" Johnson barreling down the 100m track, crossing the finish line ten yards in front of all the girls isn't his fault. He can't help it if all the girls are slow.

Republican Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb angered conservatives this week when he vetoed a bill designed to protect women’s sports from transgender activism.

Holcomb said in a letter on Monday that he finds “no evidence” to support the idea that sports are suffering from a lack of fairness in his state. The bill, HEA 1041, would have banned men who identify as women from competing in opposite-gender sports.

“The wide-open nature of the grievance provisions in HEA 1041 that apply to all K-12 schools in Indiana makes it unclear about how consistency and fairness will be maintained for parents and students across different counties and school districts,” Holcomb wrote in the letter.

“The presumption of the policy laid out in HEA 1041 is that there is an existing problem in K-12 sports in Indiana that requires further state government intervention,” he added. “It implies that the goals of consistency and fairness in competitive female sports are not currently being met. After a thorough review, I find no evidence to support either claim even if I support the overall goal.”

According to IndyStar, the bill may still become law, being that “Republican lawmakers have a supermajority in both chambers at the Statehouse, and only need a simple majority to override a veto.”

The bill was staunchly opposed by the ACLU and The Indiana Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics (Indiana AAP). The Indiana High School Athletics Association (IHSAA) also claimed transgenders had no unfair advantage in women’s sports by requiring transgender athletes to specify they have been living as their preferred gender for over a year.

“The moment the Indiana High School Athletic Association admitted there was no unfair advantage occurring in women’s sports, it became clear House Bill 1041 was more about fulfilling a made-up culture war than actually creating a better future for Hoosier children,” Indiana Democrats said after the veto.

“Indiana Republicans even admitted their goal was more about abiding by national politics than solving today’s problems facing kids – and it’s why they partnered with a national hate group to pass House Bill 1041,” it added. It’s encouraging to see Governor Eric Holcomb tell his party that their culture wars have crossed the line.”

Holcomb faced criticism from lawmakers for his veto:

“I’m disappointed with Gov. Holcomb’s veto of a common-sense bill that frankly doesn’t go far enough to Save Women’s Sports,” tweeted Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN). “My hope is that the Indiana General Assembly will meet soon to override the veto and send a message to the rest of the nation that Indiana values women.”
That pice of shit needs thrown out of the Republican party for starters.